President’s Letter for December 2023

Greetings to All, As 2023 winds down, it is customary to review where we have been this year. With the pandemic in our rear view mirrors for over two years now, we continue our return to normalcy. The Ole Virginia Hams participated in, and oversaw the final season of the Tri It Now mini triathlons. We wish Ina Nenninger, owner & organizer, a happy retirement. Don, WA2SWX, and his team oversaw another successful Tailgate Party. He is also currently planning the 2024 Tailgate Party. It will be his last this time, as his house on the water is ready for his well-deserved retirement. He says he will be leaving us before January 2025, possibly as early as this summer. Cat, KM4PBD, took the helm for her inaugural run as Field … Read more >>

President’s Letter for November, 2023

Greetings to All, On November 4th, the Ole Virginia Hams held a VE Session at the Lord of Life Lutheran Church, Clifton Campus. We had 7 candidates in total, 8 tests given as one gentleman took both the General Exam as well as his Extra. I am pleased to report that we had 6 new licenses or upgrades. I’d like to thank Lord of Life Church for once again allowing us space for our VE Sessions. The VEs who attended were:  Al, KB4BHB; John, KG4NXT; Jay, NQ4T; David, KY4MM; Byron, AK4XR and yours truly, Ken, KN4DD. Speaking of VE Sessions, John has been our Coordinator for years now, and has been wanting to take a break. I am pleased to announce that Mark, WA4KFZ, will be taking over that position … Read more >>

President’s Letter for October, 2023

Hello All, Fall-like weather …. finally! September came in like a (temperature) lion, and then took its own sweet time moderating. But here we are in October, and we are once again with seasonal temperatures. While not a fan of the “s” word (snow), I am looking forward to the cooler seasons and the smaller electric bills. However, I am not yet thinking of the upcoming gas bills. Heavy sigh. Earlier this year, I was once again invited to be part of the 2023 Warrior Bike Ride Executive Planning Committee. This year’s kickoff meeting was back on February 1st. A tremendous amount of planning, work & three county coordination went into a one-day event. It is always a privilege and a pleasure to work with men & women who are … Read more >>

President’s Letter for September, 2023

Greetings Everyone, Once again, it’s half past September. After a short cool period last month, September heat came roaring back with a vengeance. Depending where you were in the greater Washington DC area, you experienced three to five days of back to back record-breaking heat paired with less than normal rainfall so far. The good news, if you will allow me, Hurricane Season (which ends December 1st) has been mild for the US this year, with only one storm hitting the mainland so far. And as always, I hope for a mild winter. Our flurry of activities is winding down too. Off of the top of my head, we have the last Tri-It-Now event in October, the Manassas Christmas parade on December 2nd and our annual OVH Christmas Party left … Read more >>

President’s Letter for August 2023

Hello Everyone, With September only a few weeks away, I am reminded that while Hurricane Season officially starts on June 1st , here in the Mid-Atlantic region it unofficially begins in September. Now would be a good time to check your emergency communications equipment, supplies, including batteries. It would also be a good time to verify the integrity of both your antenna(s) and the guy wires. Over the years, the Ole Virginia Hams have had several members completely fry their equipment due to lightning strikes. So, I think it would also be good to review your safe grounding & isolation setups. While depriving you of a good story, it’ll save you a lot of money and (setup) aggravation later on.   Cat’s, KM4PBD head injury Back at the end of … Read more >>

President’s Letter for July 2023

Greetings All, I want to jump right in as this month’s presentation is very important. Opioid abuse really has become rampant in today’s society and has even affected relatives of our OVH membership. As such, at this meeting, we will be stepping away from our normal format of ham related topics. Our monthly meeting on Tuesday, July 18th, will feature a presentation by Jim Wooller, BA, QMHP-A, CPRS – Behavioral Health & Wellness Specialist for Prince William County who will give a presentation on Narcan. Naloxone, sold under the brand name Narcan among others, is a medication used to reverse or reduce the effects of opioids. It is used to counter decreased breathing in opioid overdose. The training is about 40 minutes long and everyone who attends will receive Naloxone … Read more >>

President’s Letter for June 2023

Hello Everyone, The last few days in this, the first full week of June certainly has been different. The Canadian wildfires combined with an unusually low jet stream for this time of year has given us days of very bad air quality. In fact, the Washington, DC area reached the worst air quality in the world on Thursday, June 8th. We even had our first ever “Code Purple” day. And yet, in this bad luck, I think I see some good luck. We have just completed a successful Tailgate Party. If that bad air from those wildfires had reached us days earlier, I don’t think we would have had a successful Tailgate Party. The turnout would have been much lower, if any at all. So, I choose to be thankful … Read more >>

President’s Letter for May 2023

Hello Everyone, I would like to jump right in this time. After a 2 year transition, the FCC implemented its new RF Exposure program. Ron, K3FR, reminded us at our last meeting on April 18th, that the rules phase-in would begin on May 3rd. As of this writing, that phase-in occurred about one week ago. Ron informed us that on pages 64 thru 66 in the May 2023 issue of QST magazine, there is an excellent article detailing this event. He also reminded us that on page 65, the ARRL provided a link to an ARRL RF Exposure calculator tool that is free. The article also states there is a simple method that many hams would like, but cautioned it might be too conservative for other hams, and the … Read more >>