Every once and awhile the Sunshine Committee does a Club Member Spotlight. This time it is our member Duane, KK4BZ. By Theresa, KG4TVM.
Many of you have met Duane, KK4BZ, formerly known as KM4RTB. He has been a club member for a little while now. Duane has managed to incorporate ham radio into his horse riding activities. During the March Virginia QSO party, he was horse mobile. Duane participates in endurance rides and would appreciate any ham radio assistance for these events. The riders use Baofeng HT’s to communicate during the events. Duane is available at martindh@iname.com for anyone that would like additional information.
Here is some information from Duane:
The “local” endurance rides are hosted by Old Dominion Endurance Rides, Inc., a 501c3 non-profit organization. I am very proud to say that I am currently on the board of directors. It is a great organization that performs significant conservation and trail maintenance and provides free educational clinics. And is a fun bunch of people!
The web site is http://www.olddominionrides.org/ and the up-coming rides are listed in the calendar. The next ride will be Friday and Saturday, October 20-21, 2017 in Fort Valley just south of Front Royal.
Each year there are 3 rides: “No Frills” in April in Star Tannery just west of Front Royal, the “Old Dominion” in June near Bayse, and “Fort Valley” in October in Fort Valley. Those locations are for base camp — as you can imagine, 50 and 100 mile races cover a lot of ground throughout the course. The June ride in particular stretches from Bayse all the way up to Wardensville and the No Frills trails. All three rides are in mountainous terrain, which makes communications more technical but the scenery beautiful.
I just moved to Catharpin from Rockville, MD and was pleasantly surprised to hear KK4BZ on 146.475 simplex this morning!
However, I couldn’t make contact with Duane as for the moment I only have a portable radio.
I’d like to get to know more hams in my immediate area.
Duane – can you contact me via email?
I just moved to Catharpin from Rockville, MD and was pleasantly surprised to hear KK4BZ on 146.475 simplex this morning!
However, I couldn’t make contact with Duane as for the moment I only have a portable radio.
I’d like to get to know more hams in my immediate area.
Duane – can you contact me via email?