Happy birthday wishes to Terry WA5NTI, Doc W1IMX, Robert KK4MXU, Simon KB3QOA, Ray KM4EKR, Scott KB8NUM, Ruth KU4WH, Keith KM4AA and Phil AC4PL.
Sending sunshine and continued best wishes to Butch W4HJL, George K4GVT and Jeff WB4TT, all three are recovering from hospital stays.
Freedom Center Mini-Tri on Sunday, October 22nd, please contact Andy KJ4MTP if you can help, this is a fun event and it’s run very efficiently
Congratulations to the club for providing radio communications for The Prince William Half-Marathon that was held on October 1st,. Thanks to those that answered the call to help. Special thanks to Wayne N7QLK for chairing this event and making sure the course was covered.
Even though the year is starting to wind down there are still many activities going on. Next up is JOTA – Jamboree on the Air is coming up Saturday, October 21st at the Braemar Swim Club, several of us will be there setting up to work with the scouts from about 8 am until 2 pm. If you are in the neighborhood, please do stop by.
Please see the club member spotlight for Duane KK4BZ (seperate post)
Get up to date information on the Thursday night net, it starts at 8 pm every single Thursday evening.
Happy Halloween!
73 Theresa KG4TVM