VP’s Corner
Jeff Fuller WB6UIE
How many of you have mentioned your amateur radio hobby to family and friends? If so, I’ll bet you’ve heard comments like “Does anyone still do that?”, and “That’s so out of date. Everyone has cell phones and Internet now.”
Well … if you’ve been following the news about the hurricane aftermath in Puerto Rico, you’ll know that two weeks after the storm most of the power is still out and less than 30 percent of the cellular network is working. The Red Cross went directly to ARRL and requested a deployment of 50 hams with equipment to support the relief effort. That “Force of Fifty” is now in place and providing communications support for hospitals and other key nodes [1]. So …keep those batteries charged and remember that we still have a very viable emergency support role.
Join us this month for a presentation by Terry, KC4DV, about his Eclipsepedition covering the recent total solar eclipse. Hope to see you there!
A brief reminder from our hosts at the fire station
Please use the outside entrance directly into the
Training Room rather than the main fire station
Thank you.
Adapted from https://xkcd.com/673/
1. http://www.arrl.org/news/arrl-and-local-volunteers-in-puerto-rico-working-together-in-storm-recovery