Sunshine Corner September


Theresa – KG4TVM

Happy birthday wishes to Gus N4MLE, Al KB4BHB, Maury W4HYB, Ron N4RDZ, Gary WG4ARC, Mark WA4KFZ, Steve WB0AOD, and Jim W4HJH. Hope you all had a great day!

Continued best wishes to Butch W4HJL who is now home recovering from his surgery

Best wishes to Art W1CRO who landed in the hospital for a few days but is also back home

Please keep Wayne N7QLK & family in your thoughts, his father isn’t doing well

Had a great time at the Quantico triathlon on August 26th, the course was on the base, we had a good show of club members providing communications. Thank you to the organizers and club members

Congratulations to Terry KC4DV on a successful special event in South Carolina during the eclipse

Freedom Center Mini-Tri this Sunday, September 17th, please contact Andy KJ4MTP if you can help, this is a fun event and it’s run very efficiently

Congratulations to Jay KM4JOJ is now known as NQ4T

The Prince William Half-Marathon is coming up on October 1; please contact Wayne N7QLK if you can provide radio support for this event.

I am looking for help with installation of the decals on the club trailer, if you can assist please let me know.

Please keep the people of Texas & Florida in your thoughts; they really need all the help they can get after these devastating storms.

Get up to date information on the Thursday night net, it starts at 8 pm every single Thursday evening.

73 Theresa KG4TVM

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