For our 2022 Field Day, we claimed 5,266 points. As a reference, we claimed 2,648 in 2012 and 2,526 in 2021. We had terrific operators including Bill, AF4LL; Wayne, AG4ZZ; Ron, K3FR; Byron, AK4XR; Don, WA2SWX; Jim, KM4SXM; Mark, WA4KFZ and John, KG4NXT.
We also had a super under 18 YL operator – Sarah Peart. She made 19 FT8 contacts.

Cat, KM4PBD and Byron, AK4XR held a fox hunt. Cat made an expert field repair of the Fox and hid it on one of the signs in the park baseball field. Gil, KM4OZH was the first to find the fox and won the fox hunt.
We had a very unusual antenna mount. Byron brought his cherry picker and Gil made an antenna rotator for it. This was used for the VHF station.

Some years, we have not been able to get an elected official for the bonus points. This year we got two: 1) Prince William Supervisor Victor S. Angry invited by Theresa, KG4TVM and Lynn F. Greene, member Manassas City Council invited by David, KQ4BDS. We also had an ARRL assistant section manager from Utah – Jerri ,WJ3RI. Finally, we had Tobin, operating as K4VDF, invited by daughter Cat, as a member of a served agency. K4VDF was his unit’s Field Day call sign.

Our old chef Phil, AC4PL was not able to help due to illness. Theresa did the food planning and bought the food. Byron and Cat cooked dinner. Bill, AF4LL paid for the food we purchased. We also had lots of potluck food. Thanks to all who brought food.
We had lots of bonus points. Here is a list of the bonus points not already mentioned:
Tony, KM4KLB for section manager and 10 formal messages.
Ron, K3FR for copying the ARRL bulletin.
Wayne, AG4ZZ for natural power QSOs with the solar panels.
Theresa, KG4TVM for information table, social media, and media publicity.
Wayne, N7QLK got our safety officer points.
Byron, AK4XR and Cat, KM4PBD did the educational activity with a fox hunt.
Byron also got a youth participant for bonus points.

Correction for the article. My father’s name is Tobin. K4VDF was his unit’s field day call.