Happy birthday wishes to our club members celebrating this month – Jack, KN4HHQ; Ken,
WB4ZOH; Philip, KI4WGC; Jeff, KM4FTK; Bruce, KN4TS; George, K4GVT; Sandy, KM4JUS; Rosalie
(AKA Pinky), KN4ZLY; Dwight, N4GSD; Mary, KK4GOW; Jeff, K9VEG; Richard, KJ4ZIH; Luther,
WA3FMO; Tony, KK4YZK; William, WB4KLC and Stephen, KO4GOR.
WOW, that is a lot of candles. ENJOY!
Congratulations to the club on a successful Field Day event. Special thanks to Byron, AK4XR
and John, KG4NXT for pulling the event together. SUPER thanks to everyone that came out
and operated! Article and photos are on our website at w4ovh.net
POTA – John, KG4NXT has been hunting stations and activating a few parks. He just hit 500
contacts as a hunter – Click to see certificate.
Anyone interested in doing Parks on the Air, if you have questions, please reach out to John at kg4nxt@arrl.net or Jeff, K9VEG at jeff.porter.9@me.com.
Reminder – Berryville Hamfest is August 7th at the Clarke County Fairgrounds!
After 15 years of working on the Sunshine Corner, I’m going to hang up my Corner by the end
of this year. So the club needs someone to step up and take over. If you are interested and
have any questions, I will be happy to discuss with you!
Sunshine Corner is on vacation after all of these ham events! Hope everyone enjoyed the
celebrations on the 4th of July, have a great summer!
Every Thursday at 8 PM, we have the Thursday night net. Please join us, hear up-to-date
information on club news as well as upcoming events.