This year the holiday party was held at the home of John, KG4NXT, and Theresa, KG4TVM. There is a possibility that the party could return to Yorkshire Restaurant next year. The OVH members who attended included Al, KB4BHB; Ken, KN4DD; Cat, KM4PBD; Luis, KQ4GBC; his XYL Daniela, KQ4IKQ; Gus, N4MLE; Byron, AK4XR, and his XYL Jane; Bill, AF4LL, and his friend Dana; Ron, K3FR; Jeff, WB5UIE; his XYL Pinky, KN4ZLY, as well as John and Theresa.
There was an abundance of great food. Theresa cooked both a turkey and a ham while John once again made venison chili. There were many tasty dishes brought by the party goers since it was a potluck.
Daniela entertained everyone with her story and pictures of how she had learned to gut, skin and dress a deer. She also cooked the deer. Field to table.
As usual, yearly awards were presented at the party. Cat got the top OVH award – a Lifetime Achievement Award for her work chairing Field Day for the last 2 years, managing the vendor area at Tailgate Party, Net Control on Thursday nights and helping with other club events. Ken, our President, got an acrylic award for his mantel for his outstanding leadership as club President for the last 3 years.
Last but not least, Toys for Tots were collected. Everyone was very generous with their donations. Byron and Jane brought a large number of stuffed animals. The next day was the deadline for Toys for Tots so John and Theresa brought them to the Buckhall Volunteer fire station where we have our OVH meetings. The firemen helped carry the toys inside.
Thanks to Pinkie and Theresa and Daniela for the photos.