Ending the year with lots of birthday wishes to these club members – Tony, KM4KLB; Ed, KK4PHP; Jay, NQ4T; Dianne, KI4FVV; Bill, N4SV; Kelly, (no call); Byron, AK4XR; David, KK4ZUU; Marwood, KL7AW; Matt, KE7EX and Russell, KQ4CAT.
SK – George (Woody) Woodworth, N4MQ – Very sorry to report that we received a note in the mail today with information that George (Woody), N4MQ, passed away on October 19th. Woody was a long-time member of our club. The doctor believes Woody had a massive heart attack while working on his ham radio at home in his basement. He will be buried at Arlington National Cemetery, as he is an Army Veteran. When we receive info on the service, I will send it on to the club. His daughter Evy, is currently studying for her ham radio license and is planning on requesting her dad’s call sign.

Special thank you to Sam, KQ4SL, and his son Oliver, for pulling our club trailer thru the Manassas Christmas Parade. They both also helped to decorate the trailer and their truck!
Special thanks to everyone who came out for our club holiday party and walked in the door with food and donations for Toys For Tots! We had a huge donation to make, all the toys were dropped off at Buckhall Fire Department.
Wishing everyone a happy and healthy Holiday season!
Please send me your news, good, not so good and ham related info!
Thursday night net at 8 PM is a great way to keep up with current events and hear what everyone is up to with their radios!