Sunshine Corner January

SUNSHINE CORNER Happy birthday wishes in January to Justin KJ4LAS, Elizabeth KG4NXV, Chuck W4XP, John WA1STU, Ken KE2N, Milt N4SN, Ed WD4AVU and Woody N4MQ, hope you all have a warm and exciting day! Thank you again to everyone who attended our Year End Holiday party at the Yorkshire Restaurant on December 11th, I think it was a great way to wrap up our busy year! Please keep Terry / WA5NTI in your thoughts and prayers as he recovers from the effects of his stroke. Check for details about Terry on the OVH’s email reflector. Special thanks to Mark / WA4KFZ for putting on and completing the Technician Licensing course in early December for 8 attendees, all of whom have by now successfully passed the Technician licensing exam. Thank you too to our now large … Read more >>