SUNSHINE CORNER Happy Birthday wishes in this June for: Jan / KE4TMW, Jim / KM4SXM, Emma (No Call), Steve / N4OGR, Derrick / KV4SH, Doris / KI4DAL, Rosemary / KI4SND, Wayne / AG4ZZ, Gene / N4HFW and Bob / K4HJF. Best wishes to Jeff / WB4TT whose mom who took a bad fall and is recovering. Special thanks to Butch / W4HJL and Bob / K4HJF for helping me with the scholarship this year. Congratulations to our 2017 winner Marina Kun, she will be graduating from Patriot High School and will be attending UVa in the fall. Marina was able to attend our May meeting with her dad, and computer science teacher, Mr. Krishnan. See elsewhere in this Newsletter for more information about this. Thank you to Andy / KJ4MTP and the … Read more >>