Presidents Letter Mar 2017

PRESIDENT’S LETTER: Let me first say as your new President, that I am honored and privileged to be a member of the Ole Virginia Hams and I look forward to serving OVH this upcoming year. I do want to thank Wayne / N7QLK for handling the reigns for the past two years; I trust Wayne will remain available to assist as needed as I transition into his former position. I have big shoes to fill and it will take some time to grow into them. I have some ideas that I would like develop, and continue with events that we have participated in the past year. This year, the OVH will continue to provide communications support for the Manassas Mini-Tri race program. Andy / KJ4MTP has graciously accepted to lead that in 2017, I expect that with support from everyone, we … Read more >>

Sunshine Corner March

SUNSHINE CORNER Happy birthday – it could be a spring or winter day – Fred N3KVV, Russ WB4HHN, George NT4DX, Scott KM4FTD, Lisa, Gary K4MRL and Jeff N1SN, enjoy your day! So here we are into March, you have a great choice for ham related activities – Virginia QSO Party, Vienna Hamfest,  Hamfest planning meeting, monthly club meeting, Field Day planning meeting, Technician Class, Cert training and the Mini Tri.  I am sure I have missed something but you get the idea, so grab a radio! Congratulations to our club officers for 2017 – President Ray KM4EKR, Vice President Jeff WB6UIE, Treasurer Terry KC4DV and Secretary Byron AK4XR, thank you for your dedication! Reminder – Please do turn in your log for the Virginia QSO Party, the log has a … Read more >>

Two Meter FM Aeronautical Mobile Operations on February 24, 2017

On February 24, 2017 afternoon, Byron / AK4XR, a non-current private pilot, took up an offer from Paul / W4ZB to go flying in a P210N aircraft and operate aeronautical mobile on 2 meters FM while aloft. The flight was fl own as a round robin from KHEF (Manassas Airport) up to KACY (Atlantic City) and then return by a slightly more southerly routing, most of the en-route phases was fl own at an altitudes of 6,500 or 7,500 feet. Because the line of sight range was nearly 100 miles even at those relatively low altitudes, no problems making contacts were expected. Connectors and cables were used so that the antenna input/output on Byron’s handheld 2 Meter FM transceiver could be connected directly to one of the aircraft’s external VHF comm antennas, but would otherwise be independent of the … Read more >>

WIRES-X Repeater Information

“WIRES” capabilities of the new OVH repeater: although the OVH’s new WIRES-X repeater is still not fully operational, those who intend to use it will need to spend some time learning and reviewing how to use its capabilities effectively.  The November 2016 meeting presentation slides by Ken / KE2N posted on the W4OVH.NET web site provide a very good starting point. One of the online PDF references buried within Ken’s presentation  sometime referred to as the “WIRES-X Bible” is worth special attention for learners. The likelihood of “in shack” RF is always an issue, particularly when transmitting at higher power levels.  Who hasn’t gotten a mild, but startling “hot” RF burn or “shock” just from touching some metal object near his/her operating position while transmitting? In-Shack RFI also can play havoc with computers … Read more >>

Presidents Letter Feb 2017

Greetings one and all, and I hope this message finds you all healthy and well. The Richmond Frostfest has come and gone, and a thank you is owed to Terry / KC4DV for arranging a table, along with Ray / KM4EKR, Sandy / KM4JUS, and Theresa / KG4TVM for supporting. Up next, the Vienna Wireless Winterfest on March 19th in Annandale. It’s close by and easy to attend. Another “What Now?” session led by Mark / WA4KFZ was held on Monday of this week, with good interest in antenna building. Mark did an excellent job as usual in answering the questions of many of the attendees. From this, we may hear more check-ins on our weekly net??? It’s time again for club elections and we will be voting at the February meeting for president and vice president; the newly elected … Read more >>

Sunshine Corner February

SUNSHINE CORNER Happy birthday to Roland WB4NWG, David W5DRR, Scott KK4GWU, Gavin KK4MXT, Dick WN7S, Stephen KK4UZC, Patty KI4FQF, Norman KK4HDL, Art W1CRO and Katie, best wishes for a warm, happy day! Good to see some of our club members at the Richmond Frostfest the first weekend in February, looked like there was a great turnout! Congratulations to Robert KK4MXU, he is the President of the Buckhall Fire Department. Congratulations to Bill KM4KWX and his family on the birth of his 2nd grandchild. Special thanks to our officers as their current term of office ends, Wayne N7QLK, Ray KM4EKR, Terry KC4DV and Byron AK4XR, great job! Hamfest & Field Day planning meetings are under way, jump in and help make it another great event! Happy Valentine’s Day! 73 Theresa KG4TVM

Expected Useful Coverage for the New 442.2 Repeater at Mount Pone

Ken / KE2N has provided the following “Radio Mobile” coverage prediction map the expected useful coverage area for the new 442.2 Repeater located at Mt Pone. “Useful Coverage” has been computed for a “typical” mobile station; fixed stations with high antennas will, of course, experience a longer range. “Radio Mobile” is a freeware, VHF to Microwave Propagation Simulation Application created by Roger / VE2DBE. Go to to learn more about “Radio Mobile.”

Presidents Letter Jan 2017

January 2017 Presidents Letter Greetings one and all, and I hope your New Year is getting off to a good start. Last year ended on a high note, with a few new licensees and a warm holiday party; what more could we ask for? First order of business — It’s that time again where I’d like to remind all OVH members – who have not done so already – to renew his / her club membership(s) for 2017. The club needs the support of all of its members. A mail-in form to accomplish membership renewal appears later in this Newsletter; you can also renew (and pay) online at under the Membership Application tab; or, you can pay at the upcoming meeting. Next order of business — OVH officer nominations … Read more >>