Happy birthday – it could be a spring or winter day – Fred N3KVV, Russ WB4HHN, George NT4DX, Scott KM4FTD, Lisa, Gary K4MRL and Jeff N1SN, enjoy your day!
So here we are into March, you have a great choice for ham related activities – Virginia QSO Party, Vienna Hamfest, Hamfest planning meeting, monthly club meeting, Field Day planning meeting, Technician Class, Cert training and the Mini Tri. I am sure I have missed something but you get the idea, so grab a radio!
Congratulations to our club officers for 2017 – President Ray KM4EKR, Vice President Jeff WB6UIE, Treasurer Terry KC4DV and Secretary Byron AK4XR, thank you for your dedication!
Reminder – Please do turn in your log for the Virginia QSO Party, the log has a space for your club name, please make sure you include the OVH. There is an award for club participation and we were in pretty high on the list last year!
We are just about 2 -1/2 months until our Hamfest, if you have volunteered yet, we still need you, please see Terry KC4DV at the club meeting.
We are always looking for more hams to check in to the Thursday night net, it starts at 8 pm. More information on our website
Happy St. Patrick’s Day!