Let me first say as your new President, that I am honored and privileged to be a member of the Ole Virginia Hams and I look forward to serving OVH this upcoming year. I do want to thank Wayne / N7QLK for handling the reigns for the past two years; I trust Wayne will remain available to assist as needed as I transition into his former position. I have big shoes to fill and it will take some time to grow into them.
I have some ideas that I would like develop, and continue with events that we have participated in the past year. This year, the OVH will continue to provide communications support for the Manassas Mini-Tri race program. Andy / KJ4MTP has graciously accepted to lead that in 2017, I expect that with support from everyone, we will successfully continue those worthwhile public service efforts. Another event that I hope for the OVH again this year will be a repeat appearance at the Manassas Air Show in early May. We had a lot of interest last year, and this year, I am sure the OVH can have an even better booth at the airshow which attracts many visitors who are potential hams. I also see new and different avenues that are available to expand the club’s public exposure and attracting new members, especially younger members. More to come on that. Oh, and none of us can forget about the upcoming Manassas Hamfest and Field Day, both in June. Ideas are also floating about for enhancing and improving the club’s web sites.
Just a short note about repeaters, George / K4GVT and his “crew” have been hard at work with the antennas and the relocated repeaters at Mt. Pone. Seems lately, the wind has been playing with our antennas, but they are working on it. Also while on the subject of repeaters, seems there is a C4FM system online. Lots going on with repeaters I hope to see all of you at the next meeting on March 20th at 7:30pm at the usual place: Manassas Public Works, 8500 Public Works Drive, Manassas, Virginia. The meeting will include a presentation by John / KG4NXT about the JT-9 digital mode and a preliminary report by the web site improvement group. Finally, some of our members have not yet renewed their OVH memberships for 2017. Please do so using the form at end of this Newsletter or online at the W4OVH.NET (membership application tab). Our dues are modest and we need your support!
Keep your thoughts and ideas coming to me at:
73 Ray KM4EKR