Presidents Letter

Presidents Letter:

Greetings to all and I hope this message finds you all healthy and well after all of the Christmas and New Year activities.

Well, it is that time again where I’d like to remind all OVH members who have not done so already, to renew his / her club membership(s) for 2018.  The club needs the support of all of its members.  A mail-in form to accomplish membership renewal appears later in this Newsletter; you can also renew (and pay) online at under the Membership Application tab; or, you can pay at the upcoming meeting.

OVH officer nominations are now being received; there will a vote for a new slate of officers for 2018 at the February, 2018 OVH meeting.  So please be thinking of the best candidates for our club and if you are personally interested, please volunteer.  As a reminder, dues must be paid in order to vote or run for office. Finally,   I have determined that I just have too many conflicting family and work obligations right now to allow me to run for president again this year.  Over the past year, I’ve appreciated the support and patience from all.  It has been rewarding to watch teamwork that made all of the activities/events successful.  To each OVH member, thank you so much for your support.

It seems that a nagging issue has resurfaced.  It is SB74. Last year it was SB860.  This is the infamous “it is unlawful for any person to operate an amateur radio while in a moving motor vehicle on the highways in the Commonwealth; but not so for citizen band radio.” bill.  Please keep pressure on your rep to amend the language.

73, Ray KM4EKR

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