Welcome to 2018!

Starting the year off with a birthday are the following club members: Justin KJ4LAS, Elizabeth KG4NXV, Chuck W4XP, John WA1STU, Ken KE2N, Ed WD4AVU and Woody N4MQ. Best wishes to you all for a great year ahead!
Many thanks to those that attended our Holiday Party in December and showed up with donations for the Toys for Tots campaign, your support for the kids is amazing.
Sad end to the year with two of our club members passing away. Milt N4SN passed on December 20th and Tom KB1FLK passed away on December 21st. We will miss them both, please keep their families in your thoughts. A card from the club and flowers were sent to both services.
ARES training is on Saturday, January 20, 2018 at 0900 at the EOC (3 County Complex, Prince William, VA 20110); contact David KG4GIY for information on this.
Field Day 2018 is ramping up, please contact Byron AK4XR to get the details, planning meetings start this month.
Hamfest – planning meetings are under way, please contact chairman Don WA2SWX to help with this event. His email is
Don’t forget the Thursday night net at 8 pm, please check in and say Hi!
Stay warm!