Happy Birthday wishes to Ken, KD4VA; John, KK4TCE; Karl, W4KRl; Matthew, KK4SYM; Stu, W4PR; Ronnell, KK4ZUR; Vern, K0LVS; Chick, KC1PIA; Duane, KK4BZ; Ray, KK4AQR and Andy, KJ4MTP.
John, KG4NXT and I had a pleasant time at the Berryville Hamfest and did see several club members. Even with the little rain showers, it looked like a good turnout.
Happy retirement wishes to Wayne, AG4ZZ and Jeff, K9VEG. Enjoy!
Congratulations to Al, KB4BHB. His grandson, Joseph, just upgraded his ham license to General. Call sign is KO4REQ. I know Al is very proud!!!
There is also a new ham in the Meyerhoff family. More information to follow!
Congratulations to Jay, NQ4T on his Worked All States!
Jamboree on the Air will be coming up on October 16th; we will very likely be setting up at Camp Snyder in Haymarket. More information will be available on the website and reflector as details are finalized.
Not to rush the rest of this year but, the Manassas Christmas Parade will be on Saturday, December 4th. This was cancelled in 2020 due to COVID, but prior to that, the OVH did enter the club trailer as a unit in the parade and provided radio support along the parade route. If the club wants to put the trailer in the parade, an application form needs to be completed and sent to the parade committee. The application process opens this week and goes for about 45 days. If the club would like to do this, please let me know, I will be happy to submit the paperwork.
There are still several events between now and the end of the year that could use radio assistance. Please see information in our newsletters, the club webpage (www.w4ovh.net), club email reflection and also the club facebook page, “Ole Virginia Hams – W4OVH” for upcoming events. These are all great ways to use your radio and help with community service.
Please remember the Thursday night net at 8 PM. Having issues with your radio equipment or need help with anything ham radio? This is a great forum to ask questions and hear the latest news on current club events.