Happy birthday wishes to our club members celebrating this month – Jan, KE4TMW; Jim, KM4SXM; Bob, W4PHX; Wayne, AG4ZZ; Gene, N4HFW; Bob, K4HJF; Robert, N0DGN; David, KQ4BDS and Ron, K3FR
Hamfest 2022 is in the books! Thanks to our chair Don, WA2SWX for keeping us on track. Also thank you very much to all the club members and spouses that came out to volunteer at the event, we couldn’t have pulled it off without each of you. Please see the link to all the photos that George, K4GVT has posted!
Next up Field Day at the end of this month. Contact Byron, AK4XR for information ak4xr@dillonelectric.com
Condolences to Jeff, WB4TT on the passing of his mother on June 5th.
Congratulations to one of our newer members on getting his ticket. David’s call sign is KQ4BDS; hope we hear you on the air soon!
It was a special event at our May meeting with presenting two scholarship checks to Janu and Abigail. Very impressive high school records they both have. Wishing them both much success in college!

It has taken me until the May meeting to get a photo of our 4 officers, see it included in the newsletter – Left to right Tony, KM4KLB; Ken, KN4DD; Don, WA2SWX and John, KG4NXT

Every Thursday at 8 PM, we have the Thursday night net. Please join us, hear good information on club news as well as upcoming events.