Happy birthday to those club members celebrating another year in February:
Dick, WN7S; Harvey, WB6TTF; Jeff, WB6UIE; Art, W1CRO; Mike, KN4NDI.
Best wishes to Dana, Jim’s, KM4SXM’s YL , as she continues to recover from a bad fall.
The OVH had a table at Frostfest in Richmond this past Saturday. We handed out lots of flyers and talked up our Hamfest in June. Good to see club members attend the event as well.
Virginia QSO Party is coming up in March, more info at the February meeting!
Field Day 2020 in in the planning stages and we have just had the first planning meeting. Any help, questions, etc. contact Byron AK4XR. The first meeting was held at Sam & Joe’s on Center Street in Manassas, photo included!
Our own hamfest planning meetings are under way, please talk with Don, WA2SWX and let him know how you can help the club during this event.
Happy Valentine’s Day!