Sending Happy Birthday wishes to the following club members: Wayne, N7QLK; Kevin, W4RKU; Baofang, KK4JFK; Theresa, KG4TVM; Butch, W4HJL; Greg, KM4CCG; Jeff, WB4TT; Charlie, WA4YGI; James, N5TE; James, KA4BOL; Paul, KO4GZR and Allan (no call).
Thank you to all of our Veterans for your service.
Get well wishes going out to Wayne, N7QLK, celebrating his birthday with a new knee, hope your recovery goes smoothly.
Saturday, December 2nd is the annual City of Manassas Christmas Parade. The OVH will once again be supporting this event by providing radio communications at the judge’s stand and along the parade route. If you can help, please contact George, K4GVT at and he will get you the detailed information for the parade. Also, our club trailer will be entered into the parade and James, KQ4CAX has volunteered to hook up the trailer to his vehicle and pull it thru the parade. If you can help with decorating the trailer, please reach out to Theresa at Thank you to George and James for stepping up and taking on this event.
Sunday, December 10th will be our club Holiday Party from 6 PM to 8 PM at Yorkshire Restaurant. This is a family event; please bring a covered dish to share. We will be collecting new, unwrapped toys for the Marine Corps Toys For Tots campaign.
Happy Thanksgiving to all of our club members and their families.