SUNSHINE CORNER – JUNE, 2021 Happy Birthday wishes to Jan, KE4TMW; Jim, KM4SXM; Bob, W4PHX; Derrick, KV4SH; Wayne, AG4ZZ; Gene, N4HFW and Bob, K4HJF.
Happy Father’s Day to all our club members, hope you get to enjoy the day!
Last month I posted congratulations to Wayne on his daughter’s college graduation. Turns out both daughter’s had graduations in the same weekend. So double congrats to the Phillip’s family!
Thank you again to everyone that contributed to the Steve, N4OGR Memorial Scholarship. The committee led by Sandy, KM4JUS was able to award two scholarships this year!
The OVH Tailgate Event is Saturday, June 12th from 8 AM to 2 PM. To all the members who have volunteered to help, thank you very much! We will have a club table and we are once again asking for donations of baked goods. Please drop donations off at the club table early Saturday morning.
Looking forward to seeing everyone and hope we get lots of great photos!
John, KG4NXT and I did travel to the Howard County Hamfest on May 30th in Maryland. It was a rainy and chilly weekend but they still had a decent turnout with lots of items for sale.
Please remember the Thursday night net at 8 PM. Having issues with your radio equipment or need help with anything ham radio? This is a great forum to ask questions and hear the latest news on current club events.