Happy end of the year birthday wishes to David KK4ZUU, Tony KM4KLB, David KJ4EPF, Ed KK4PHP, Jay KM4JOJ, Dianne KI4FVV, Bill N4SV, Kelly, Byron AK4XR, Thomas KB1FLK.
Great news Butch W4HJL is home! He is still recuperating but things are looking so much better.
Condolences to Wayne N7QLK and his family on the passing of Wayne’s father.
The annual Holiday Party was held on Sunday, December 10th at the Yorkshire Restaurant. Turnout was wonderful, the donations to Toys For Tots was outstanding, fellowship amazing! The food well just WOW on that. Thank you very much for your donations and for attending, having the club members come out is what makes this event so great. Special thanks to Yorkshire Restaurant for allowing us to come in and have our party, also for preparing the ham & turkey. Thank you to the United States Marine Corp for sending two of their best to attend – Sgt Tucker Renckert and Lance Corporal Sydney Ally did not leave our party hungry!
Special thanks to Rosalie W1FE for bringing Pinky to the party.
A plaque was given to Terry KC4DV at the party for his work as Hamfest Chairman for 5 years.
Also at the party Lifetime Achievement Awards were presented to Butch W4HJL and Art W1CRO. Both men have been club members for decades and are still very active with the club. Their participation, leadership, expertise and friendship have been invaluable to the club throughout the years. Very well deserved Butch & Art!
Also at the party, Megan, daughter of Wayne N7QLK, is a Mary Kay consultant; she is taking contributions to go toward small gifts for homeless mothers for the holidays. Way to go Megan!
Her flyer is at the bottom of this post. Here is a message from Wayne:
As a Mary Kay consultant, Megan is supposed to identify a charity for them to contribute too. This one, (flyer attached) is for homeless mothers (either in centers or in hospitals). From the club holiday party, she received contributions for 22 needy; she was nearly speechless. She and I thank everyone for their generosity!
Hamfest – planning meetings are under way, please contact chairman Don WA2SWX to help with this event. His email is
Don’t forget the Thursday night net at 8 pm, please check in and say Hi!
Happy Holidays, we will see you next year!
73 Theresa KG4TVM