Eclipsepedition 2017

I am mounting an Eclipsepedition August 21 to Lexington SC. Special Event Call Sign W4E has been requested. The center of Solar Eclipse Totality passes directly over Lexington. Eclipse QSO Party, HF Operation will be from a Public Parks or School. Planned Operation is from 11:00am to 4;06 EDST, details to follow.
Checking Travel Velocity, I found a Limited number of budget Hotels in the Columbia Lexington area. Aiken SC currently has the best availability of Business Class rooms and Suites. I booked a room at the Aiken Hampton Inn for $84. Aiken is only 45 miles from the Eclipse Totality Center.
Planned operation is on 20 meters and 40 meters. I provide the rigs and antennas., I encourage everyone travel to Lexington SC to witness the 2017 Great American Eclipse The last American Transcontinental pass was in 1918. General Eclipse Information and a very cool interactive map is at http://www,
Ham Radio Eclipse Information is available at
Attached is the Eclipse QSO Party Flyer link below.
W4E Special Event Operating Location 104 Duffie Dr, Lexington, SC 29072
W4E Solar Eclipse QSO Party Operation, from Gibson Soccer Complex Pavilion. Operating, two HF stations on 80, 40 and 20 meters, before, during and after the total Eclipse. On the Air Operation starts at 11:00am local, concluding at 4:15pm.
Contact me at if you are interested in participating.
Terry, KC4DV