On Thanksgiving morning, OVH did communications support for the 5k portion of the Prince William Turkey Trot (5k) & Mashed Potato Mile. Their motto: Trot, Eat, Sleep.
It was a near perfect morning for a couple of foot races. Perhaps a bit cool and breezy with 44° temperatures at 8 AM, but it was still sunny, fair and clear. In short, excellent weather.
It also may have been a PWC (Prince William County) record, attendance wise. We had over 1,400 runners that day.
The race itself went off without incident, I’m happy to report. It started @ 8:30 AM & was over for us by 9:15 AM. Much like Halloween, many participants were in costume.
We had a few cowboys. We had some children in Princess garb. We had both children & adults in tutus. And what Turkey Trot would be complete without many people in turkey costumes – a full furry brown pajama suit, complete with colorful wings, tail & a head mask?
The participants made it a very colorful event.
We did notice a large number of participants whose philosophy was ” Walk, don’t run”. Nevertheless, we all got home in plenty of time for Thanksgiving dinner.

I’d like to recognize our OVH volunteers: John, KG4NXT (as shadow), Al, KB4BHB & yours truly, Ken, KN4DD.
Wayne, N7QLK, is usually our lead sled dog for this event, but he is currently recovering from knee surgery. He did tell us however, that he intends to make every effort to attend the OVH Holiday Party on December 10th.
Last, but certainly not least, I want to say congratulations to our own Ken (KE2N). You might remember that way back in 2021, Ken placed 2nd in his category. “A personal best”, he said at that time.
Then came the stroke.
Since then, Ken has been a model of perseverance and tenacity. This year was his first year back for this event. While he did not run in the 5k, he did complete the entire one miler as a walker.
His successful completion here is another milestone step in his recovery.
Way to go, Ken!