OVH Member Ranks High in ARRL Grid Chase

Grid Chase Leader Board

Ham radio divides the world into Maidenhead grids defined by latitude and Longitude.  For example,  Manassas is in grid square FM18.  If you look up your own callsign in QRZ, you can find your grid square in the detail tab. ARRL is running a contest to see who can contact and confirm the most grid squares.   This is done by confirming contacts via Logbook of the world.   If you have confirmed contacts in LOTW this year, you will be ranked. OVH Member Jeff Fladling, KM4FTK, has been actively working this contest and now is ranked 10th in Virginia !    He has 776 unique grids confirmed and 3338 QSOS.  Congratulations Jeff !!! The easiest way to accumulate grid squares is the new FT8 mode.    If any one wants assistance … Read more >>

Antenna Down – No Problem

NQ4T new antenna

Jay Moore, NQ4T,  has his antenna blown down in the windstorms of last spring and was unable to participate in the 13 colonies contest.  Since then, he has put up a doublet and is back on the air with  a vengeance.   With 100 watts from an IC-7300, he has worked Oman on FT8 and Moscow on phone.  Here is the link for a recording of his Moscow QSO. This is a picture of his new antenna.   

13 Colonies Special Event

13 Colonies Certificate for KB4BHB

The 13 Colonies special event is a contest for hams to contact special event stations in each of the 13 colonies.   Appropriately, the contest ran from July 1 to July 7 , which includes Independence Day.    Each state has a special 1 by 1 call.  For example,  Virginia was K2B.  The idea is to contact all 13 stations for a ‘sweep’.   The contest is on all bands  and all modes.  This was the 10th year the contest has run. For the Olde Virginia Hams,  the first known sweep was by Gil KM4OZH, who finished his in two days.   Other OVH members participating were Al, KB4BHB,   Wayne , N7QLK,  John,  KG4NXT, and David, KK4ZUU.   If  any one was missed,  contact KG4NXT  and we will correct the web article.   We should … Read more >>

Ole Virginia Hams Overcome Rainy Field Day

Cat's triumphant return with the fox

As field day approached,  all eyes were on the weather forecasts  and the forecasts were not good.    On Friday, the rain let up about 1 pm but started again when we gathered at the park to slingshot lines for the antennas.   We proceeded and got all the lines shot with the loss of only two weights,   The rain actually helped a bit here because the  school kids at the site stayed under the pavilion which made it safe for some of the near shots. As we gathered Saturday morning for setup,  the rain held off for a time.   We had another challenge since Bill South, N4SV, had always setup and configured the logging computers and no one else had.   Byron, AK4XR, took the task on and had them all … Read more >>

FIELD DAY – JUNE 23-24 2018

W4OVH Members We will again have Field Day at Nokesville Community Park on June 23 and 24 2018 at the Nokesville Community Park.  All of the details including a map to the Nokesville Community Park Pavillion is on our calendar event at – Setup starts 9:00 am on Saturday, June 23th Potluck dinner on June 24th at 5:00 pm – bring something and enjoy a great dinner Fox hunt follows Potluck dinner – bring your HT – some yagis will be available or bring your own Various events :  Shoot lines for antennas – at park on Friday June 22 at 3 pm.   Call KG4NXT at 703-789-6449 if you are coming. Field Day setup  – at park on Saturday June 23 at 9 am.   We could use your help. Operations … Read more >>

Manassas Hamfest 2018 Is Here


Hamfest is Sunday June 3 If you are helping set up the event on Saturday June 2,  please be at the Chic Fil A at 9506 Liberia Ave at 8 am for breakfast courtesy of the club, then on to the Fairgrounds. If you are going to the Hamfest,  it is at the Prince William Fairgrounds starting at 7 am on Sunday June 3. If you would like to know about the Hamfest prizes and presentations, click HamfestHighlights_2018 If you would like vendor , admission,  or directions,  click hamfest web page Talk-in will be on 146.970 – the OVH 2 meter repeater The Hamfest will be held regardless of weather.  

OVH Holds VE Session

VE Session grading table with Tony

Following Mark’s video technician training class class,  we had a VE session at Buckhall Volunteer Fired department.  We had 23 candidates and everyone got at least one new license.   We have 16 new Techs, 3 new Generals and 4 new extras.   Three of the new Techs took the General unsuccessfully.   I think 23 is probably a record for an OVH  VE session.  We  had so many candidates that we could not fit them into the training room at Buckhall that we use for our OVH meeting.   We had to put two overflow tables in an adjacent room where we did the grading.   We had lots of help from our OVH VEs.   We had Al, KB4BHB, Byron, AK4XR,  Luther, WA3FMO,   Steve (OGRE), N4OGR, Tony,  KM4KLR, Kevin, KX4KU,  Wayne , … Read more >>

First CW Contact Since 1958


I recently had a CW contact with Len, KJ6BKJ.    He sent me a touching letter that I want to share with the club.  It shows you never forget the code.   Here it is Dear John (KG4NXT), It was a sincere pleasure contacting you on the radio. I recently got my first set of QSL cards and so you will be among the first recipients. More important, you are my first CW contact since 1958. Sorry for the horrible job of sending. The picture depicts my inspiration for getting a ham license. I have been attempting to canoe the entire Mississippi River for the last several years. I do it with two others. Two of us get in the boat and paddle downstream to meet with the third who drives … Read more >>