Contest University

Contest University

Normally,  Contest University cost $85 and is presented at Hamvention in Dayton.   Since Hamvention was cancelled,  the organizers had a virtual Contest University on Zoom and have made the presentations available on the web.   The material is not limited to contesting and includes a great survey of recent rig transmit and receive capabilities entitled  “Contest & DX Performance A Complex Subject Today:  Great RX Performance – TX Limitations”.   There is a module on digital contesting that includes a “how to” on a number of Elecraft, Icom and Yaesu rigs called  “Everything You Need to Know About USB and Serial Interfaces”.   In all, there are 9 presentations that are available here: Contest University links

The above links are to the slide decks of the presentations.  They have also published a 10 hour YouTube presentation of all the proceedings Contest University on YouTube

With  a bit of patience, you can click to the individual presentations.

OVH Virginia QSO Party Stories

Gil, KM4OZH, operating mobile

This is a collection of stories and photos of OVH members during the QSO party.   We do not have all of the stories.  If you would like your story to be added, please e-mail it to KG4NXT@ARRL.NET. First , our two oldest members operated together. Al, KB4BHB, and Chick, KC1PIA, operated from Al’s house using a 100 watt 2m amp and HF random wire. These guys were both born in 1933 and did a fine job. Next,  John, KG4NXT, and Theresa operated from a state park cabin at Lake Anna.  John  managed to forget a jumper with pl-259 connectors on both ends. He did have a coax with one pl-259.   He managed a field expedient for the other end – see photo below.   John operated Digital on JS8 mode and … Read more >>


Al, KB4BHB, assists during the exam session

On March 14, 2020,  OVH held a VE session.   We had a host of people from Maryland and Arlington because several other VE sessions had been cancelled.    We had 17 candidates and they earned 10 new technician , 1 new general and 3 new extra licenses.  One fellow went from no license to Extra.  Three candidates did not earn a new license.   The VEs assisting were John, KG4NXT; Al, KB4BHB; Chick, KC1PIA;  Luther, WA3FMO;  Steve, N4OGR; Steve, KB4OF; Mark , WA4KFZ;  George, K4GVT; Byron, AK4XR;  and Ray , KM4EKR.

New 224 OVH Repeater

New 224 Repeater

New 224 Repeater
New 224 Repeater

Our technical committee has installed a new repeater at NOVEC. This is a replacement of the oldest OVH repeater and will give us lots more connectivity for the 224.66 machine. It is now linking to the 146.97 repeater during the Thursday night net instead of the 442.200 repeater. Ken, KE2N, gave us a presentation at the February OVH meeting.
Click here for a more details on the new 224 repeater.

OVH does Frostfest 2020

Theresa, KG4TVM, and Don, WA2SWX, at the OVH Frostfest Table

OVH had a table at Frostfest 2020. We handed out Manassas hamfest flyers and there were only 4 left at the end of Frostfest. Theresa, KG4NXT, and Don, WA2SWX, also gave each vendor a flyer. Theresa chatted up the vendors to try to get them to our hamfest. John, KG4NXT, sat on his butt and handed out flyers and answered questions at the OVH table. Other OVH members seen at Frostfest were Stu, W4PR, Ray, KMK4EKR, Sandy, KM4JUS, Ken, KD4VA , Kevin KX4KU and Mark, WA4KFZ.

OVH article in Prince William Living

The online magazine Prince William Living ran an article entitled  “Ole Virginia Hams: Supporting Our Community Through Amateur Radio” on November 30, 2019.   The article contained many favorable references to the Ole Virginia Hams and ARES.  Many of the quotes were provided by Jeff Fuller,  WB6UIE,  who worked with the magazine on the article.    The article can be found at