Sunshine Corner May

SUNSHINE CORNER Happy birthday wishes this May to OVH club members: John / KM4VCJ, David / KG4GIY, Bill / WA4FIC, Jack / N4YIC, Carl / KK4ZYX, Craig / WA3UFY, Richard / KM4UXE, Susan / K3SSP, Terry / KC4DV, Don / WA2SWX, Robert / KJ4EOR and last but not least, John / KG4NXT. Hope you all have a wonderful day! Wayne / N7QLK was unable to make the March meeting, the first meeting with the OVH’s new president, Ray / KM4EKR, presiding – so we went to Wayne! John / KG4NXT, Al / KB4BHB and your Sunshine Corner correspondent took an appreciation Plaque to for his great work as OVH President to Wayne at his residence. See picture. Another Mini-Tri is coming up fast on Sunday, May 14th; please let Andy … Read more >>

Karl Berger W4KRL Weather Station Briefing

Karl Berger / W4KRL giving his presentation about his Internet of Things Weather Station during the April 17, 2017 OVH Meeting.  Karl’s slides are here WeatherStation_w4krl for your reading pleasure.  Additional information about the Weather Station project, including how to purchase a low cost kit of parts for it are available at Karl’s weather station project uses the “free” online Matlab based and provided analytics through the web site – which is worth exploring to find out what facilities are available there and what can be done there for very low cost. His project also uses web site.  

VP’s Corner

VP’s Corner Jeff Fuller WB6UJE One of the more interesting things I’ve seen during my return journey to ham radio has been the marriage of the microprocessor and the radio.  It started with frequency synthesizers.  Easy to net everybody up on one frequency and no more drifting VFOs. And them came digital modes. All those nifty error correcting codes I studied years ago in school were once limited to pencil and paper exercises, or maybe a mainframe lab or two. Now they run on a laptop computer sound card, like the one I used last month in a transatlantic QSO running five watts of PSK31. And, ham radio has joined the Internet of Things (IoT) – a variety of unmanned systems and sensors for monitoring and reporting. Want to learn … Read more >>

Presidents Letter Apr 2017

PRESIDENT’S LETTER: Well it appears that spring has finally sprung. The season started off with the first Mini-Tri of the year, and the turnout was good. Thank you to all of the volunteers and to Andy (KJ4MTP) for the planning. Our next event is the 2017 Manassas Air Show on Saturday, May 6th (rain-out day: May 7th). This will be our second appearance as an exhibitor at the Manassas Regional Airport. If the air show this year is anything like in past years, it will have about 20,000 visitors and should offer a fun time for the whole family to take in the aerobatic performances, aircraft displays, and the numerous informational booths of various Manassas organizations. Even though it is still in the planning stage, we expect the OVH booth to have HAM radio equipment on display, working ham radio(s), and possibly … Read more >>

W4OVH Support to Tri-It-Now Triathlon Events

The first of the TRI-IT NOW Triathlons were held at the The Freedom Aquatic & Fitness Center in Manassas, Virginia on 26 March 2017 and of course W4OVH members were there to ensure participants were always kept under the eyes of W4OVH to help ensure safety and road course security. This was the perfect short-distance multisport event to start off everyone’s season!  The Tune Up Tri is an excellent race for beginners, and also a great opportunity for more experienced athletes to use as a gauge of your fitness early in the season.  It’s a tune-up…for everyone to hone their skills and remember what it feels like to race 3 sports in one event! The event had a slight ‘twist’ on the traditional order of events, designed to allow everyone to get an early-season … Read more >>

Web Site Improvements Coming

The Web Improvement Committee members gave a presentations on their efforts to give the OVH web site [W4OVH.NET] a “new look”; the attendees at the meeting were enthusiastic about the possibilities. Look for a new web site soon with lots of new features.  One of the primary purposes in addition to updating the look and feel of the web site is to make publishing articles and images much easier so that we may increase our web site content.  All members will be encouraged to provide and post articles, news, general information useful to the club and Amateur Radio and images of the adventures of the Ole Virginia Hams.

W4OVH Election Results

The Ole Virginia Hams W4OVH March 2017 Election Results are as follows:

  • Ray / KM4EKR was elected as the new President
  • Jeff / WB6UIE was elected as the new Vice-President
  • Terry / KC4DV was reelected as Treasurer
  • Byron / AK4XR as reelected as Secretary.

Thank you to our Ole Virginia Hams members and officers for giving so freely of their time and energy to make this Amateur Radio Club a successful and effective endeavor in our pursuit of Amateur Radio.

VP’s Corner – Jeff Fuller WB6UIE

I’m honored to have been elected OVH’s Vice President and I look forward to working with you and the other officers and directors in club activities and in the recruiting of new members. Like many of us, my interest in ham radio began when I was a youngster. In my case, that was over fifty years ago in junior high school. After passing our Novice exams which included a 5 wpm Morse code test, a couple of us pooled our very limited funds and managed to buy a World War II surplus ARC-5 receiver and enough parts to assemble a power supply and a 6L6 (vacuum tube) crystal oscillator. The total cost for these items was probably under $20 but that was a lot of money back then. I can still remember the smell of the solder melting as we carefully added each component. … Read more >>