VP’s Corner

VP’s Corner Jeff Fuller WB6UIE Since many of you will be on travel to view the eclipse or off on vacation with your family, we’ve decided to postpone the club meeting until next month.  Our next meeting will be held on Monday 18 September in the Developmental Services Building at the Prince William County Center.  Map and details will be posted on the web page. Next month is National Emergency Preparedness Month.  This is a good time for everyone to check their emergency kits and portable rigs and make sure your batteries are charged.  NOAA is forecasting this year’s hurricane season to be an active one. Speaking of emergency power, how many of you are involved with solar backup or charging?  If so, let me know if you would like to … Read more >>

W4OVH August Club Meeting POSTPONED

*** IMPORTANT *** Greetings All, Due to the once in a lifetime event, the Solar Eclipse and all of the related QSO parties to work the propagation, a decision has been made. The August meeting of OVH has been postponed until September. We will be looking forward for the reports on how it was. Please be careful out there. 73 Ray KM4EKR

Presidents Letter

Presidents Letter: Hope everyone has had a good summer so far. Many thanks to Andy for his continuing support of the Tri-it now events. These are enjoyable events to assist with. If you would like to help out on a Sunday morning for a couple of hours, you can’t beat this. Also, don’t forget that there is the Prince William ½ Marathon coming up on October 1st. Watch for further details and hope you can participate. Well, the club has a clean trailer once again! Special thanks to Theresa, KG4TVM, for organizing this outing. The members that were there were, John, KG4NXT, Dick, WN7S, Terry, KC4DV, Sandy, KM4JUS, and myself. Almost ready to decal the trailer, again thanks to Theresa. Looking forward to seeing it wrapped. The new website is … Read more >>

The Club Trailer Gets A Bath

After waiting for some time,  the OVH trailer decals  which we approved at a general membership meeting are here!    We are told that preparation of the trailer surface is very important before applying the decals.   Theresa arranged with the city of Manassas to use their facilities to wash the trailer for the first time in 5 years. After a post on the reflector, several members washed the trailer.   The members that helped are Dick, WN7S, Terry, KC4DV,  Theresa, KG4TVM,  John, KG4NXT,  Sandy , KM4JUS,  and Ray , KM4EKR. Now that the trailer has been washed, we need to schedule a decal party and we should do additional surface preparation before attaching the decals.  importantly,  the OVH pig decal came out looking very nice. 73, John KG4NXT

August Meeting Location

The next club meeting will be on Monday August 21st from 7:30 to 9:00PM at the Prince William County Government Center (McCoart Center).  We’ll be in room 202 of the Development Services Building.  As always, OVH meetings are open to the public. Remember that all club events such as meetings and  club interest events will be in the web site event calendar accessible via the Home page right side menu and on the main menu under the “About the Club” option.  

W4OVH Photo Gallery from Field Day

Thanks to Rosalie Fuller for these additional W4OVH Field Day 2017 photos. The Field Day was held at the Nokesville Community Park pavilion and a good time was had by all.  As you can see, Chef Phil put on an excellent spread of food for his most excellent dinner that kept everyone well fueled throughout the 24 hour operation from Saturday, 24 June through Sunday, 25 June 2017.

Follow Up to 13 Colonies Event

This is a short follow up to the recent article posted by John Heartney, KG4NXT, regarding the working of the 4th of July Independence Day “The Original 13 Colonies Special Event. John was kind enough to provide us with a image of his earned certificate for the special event. A number of our Ole Virginia Ham club members worked the Original 13 Colonies special event and earned the respective certificates.  As Kevin Utzy, KX4KU responded, Got mine too plus two qsl cards.  Only difference between yours and mine is you have NRA endorsement, so we will go with yours!  🙂 The Ole Virginia Hams Amateur Radio Club is fortunate to have members that enjoy working or even hosting events like Terry, KC4DV (Eclipsepedition 2017), and sharing the information with the … Read more >>