Well, despite a couple of really hot days in the beginning, June temperatures so far, are about average. We certainly couldn’t have asked for better weather for our Manassas Hamfest. It was beautiful and with low humidity, too.
It was our first full blown Hamfest since the beginning of the pandemic. You might remember that last year we did a Tailgate Party, in lieu of a Hamfest. We did it that way due to the Covid restrictions in place at that time. Outdoor space was all we could rent.
So with the pandemic winding down & $5/gallon gasoline prices, we held our first post Covid Hamfest, and I call it a success. Our team was headed up once again by Don, WA2SWX. We were once again back in the Manassas Park Community Center, and in the black, I might add.
We had an army of OVH volunteers, due to our Talent Wrangler & Chief Cajoler in Charge, Theresa, KG4TVM. Traffic Control & Parking both went flawlessly due to the guidance of Tony, KM4KLB.
A huge heartfelt thank you to all of the volunteers.
Back at our May 17th meeting, we awarded our Steve Frick Scholarships to two deserving STEM students: Abigail Herbas of Gar-Field Senior High School & Janu Singh of Osbourn High School. And for the first time in OVH history, both of our winners are young women. We wish them much success as they start their college careers.
I wrote last month that June was our busy season & now it is here.
First up then, on Saturday, June 18th is our OVH Monthly Breakfast Get Together
Yorkshire Restaurant
7537 Centreville Rd
Manassas, VA 20111
(703) 368-4905
Menu: https://www.yorkshirerestaurantmanassas.com/menu/
We hope to see you there.
Next, our monthly meeting is pushed back one day to Wednesday, June 22nd.
We are going to meet Wednesday, June 22nd @ 7:30 PM – 9:00 PM EDT at the same place. Just a different day.
Buckhall VFD Hall – masks optional
7190 Yates Ford Road
Manassas VA 20111
This is a one off. We go back to the 3rd Tuesday in July. So, the July meeting will be Tuesday, July 19th.
The ARRL 2022 Field Day begins on Saturday, June 25th @ 2:00 PM and will run overnight, concluding on Sunday June 26th @ 2:00 PM EDT. We will be at the big pavilion at:
Nokesville Park
12560 Aden Rd
Nokesville, VA 20181
Because some people in the past had trouble finding the pavilion we have put GPS coordinates in our Event Calendar on our website. https://w4ovh.net/event/arrl-2022-field-day/
On Sunday June 26th, in addition to the ARRL 2022 Field Day conclusion, OVH is also supporting the
Tri It Now – Manassas Mini Tri
The Freedom Aquatic & Fitness Center
9100 Freedom Center Blvd
Manassas, VA 20110
Volunteer spotters are needed. We will meet at the rally point on Sunday, June 26th by 7:30 AM running until approximately 12:00 noon. Our support for the Manassas Mini-Tri is also a great way for our new hams to get acquainted their equipment and with our club members. All that is needed is an HT and a desire to serve.
If you are interested, please contact Andy Gamponia – you can reach Andy @ andy@gamponia.com
A reminder to check in to the OVH’s Thursday night VHF/UHF repeater net at 8 PM.
The details for that are on the OVH’s web site: https://w4ovh.net This is a great way to
stay in touch.
Questions, comments or war stories can be directed to my e-mail: KN4DD@arrl.net
73, Ken / KN4DD