Greetings to All,
I hope that everyone had a happy and safe Halloween. I was going to say something about leftover candy, as if there would actually be any candy left over. But, never mind.
November 11th is Veterans Day. As you probably know, originally it was designated as Armistice Day in remembrance of World War I veterans. It has since evolved in the US to honor ALL veterans of our military services. So, I’d like to take a moment to thank all of our members who have served, and also all who are currently defending, those who have served, and especially those who made the ultimate sacrifice.
Thank You.
Our Former VP Jeff, WB6UIE, always a fine writer, has written another enjoyable article for Veteran’s Day, on our website.
The first week of November was pleasant, but now the normal cold is upon us, and with that the leaves are dropping or have dropped. So, it would be easier to inspect any tree supported antennas you might have now. After that, you could deal with those leaves.
The last Tri-It-Now of the year was last month. Normally a quiet race with only minor events to report, this last one included a head injury that required Fire & Rescue to arrive. You can read John, KG4NXT’s account on our webpage “Why We Do It – 2022 Tri It Now “SEASON WRAP UP”.
I’m grateful to the members this year who have helped make the Tri-It-Now events happen. I hope that we, the club, continue to have their support next year. Ina, of the Tri-It-Now organization has been very appreciative of what we do and has said so publicly, including in that same article, mentioned above.
Our monthly breakfast is a little early this month, as this month began on a Tuesday. Our breakfast is this Saturday, November 12th at 8:00 AM. Pioneered by Byron, AK4XR, we get together every Saturday before our meetings at a table or two in the back of Yorkshire Restaurant for some good food and good conversation.
Yorkshire Restaurant
7537 Centreville Rd.
Manassas, VA 20111
(703) 368-4905
Our next monthly meeting is Tuesday, November 15th.
W4OVH Monthly Meeting
7:30 PM – 9:00 PM EDT
Buckhall VFD Hall
7190 Yates Ford Road
Manassas, VA 20111
After that, on November 19th comes our first VE Session in 13 months.
Byron, AK4XR rounded up the candidates & secured the location & John, KG4NXT, as our VE Session Coordinator, worked together to set up our next event.
We will be setting up at
Centreville Regional Library
14200 St. Germain Drive
Centreville, VA 20121
From 8 AM to 12 PM (noon)
Speaking of VE Sessions, John has been our Coordinator for years now, and he would like to take a break.
The Ole Virginia Hams is now looking for a volunteer to take over as VE Session Coordinator from John.
Training & an enthusiastic cadre of Volunteer Examiners will be provided.
Thanksgiving, November 24th, is also the Turkey Trot event. Wayne, N7QLK, is our Coordinator here, and is in need of 6 or 7 spotters in total. Please contact Wayne if you want to volunteer. Additionally, I hope everyone will have a Happy Thanksgiving. Be careful if travelling during the holidays — stay safe.
The 76th Greater Manassas Christmas Parade on Saturday, December 3rd at 10 AM.
Planning is underway, but we will need volunteer spotters. OVH will be providing comms support for the parade and the club trailer will be a part of it! Theresa, KG4TVM has already put a request out for volunteers to help decorate the club trailer on the reflector, and it looks like yours truly will be driving that trailer. If interested and available, please contact George, K4GVT via e-mail
The last event for the Holiday season will be, of course, the OVH’s World Famous Holiday Party to be held again at the Yorkshire Restaurant.
Yorkshire Restaurant
7537 Centreville Rd.
Manassas, VA 20111
(703) 368-4905
We will gather on Sunday evening, December 11th , for our meeting/party. For our new members, that means no regular monthly meeting. This is it. The party will run from 6 PM until ~8 PM.
Please bring a covered dish, ham and turkey will be provided by the club. Hopefully John, KG4NXT will make his venison chili for us. Bring your friends and family.
And bring an unwrapped gift (or two) for the Marine Corps Toys for Tots. Theresa, KG4TVM is in charge as usual, and has secured us a pair of Marines who will dine with us and receive the toys collected by the OVH. If you can’t make the party, please consider making a Toys for Tots donation where you are able. So a great time is guaranteed for all!
Also, a reminder to check in to the OVH’s Thursday night VHF/UHF repeater net at 8 PM.
The details for that are on the OVH’s web site:
This is a great way to stay in touch.
Questions, comments or war stories can be directed to my e-mail:
Ken, KN4DD