It’s October and 2022 is winding down. I’m finding that for me, the cooler night air is “free air conditioning” but honestly, Mrs. KN4DD thinks I’m a bit out of my mind. Heavy sigh.
Last year, I was invited to be part of the 2022 Warrior Bike Ride Executive Planning Committee.
At that time, I had no idea how much planning, work & (three county) coordination went into a one day event. It was both a privilege and a pleasure working with these very professional women & men and I learned quite a bit.
Additionally, I have some new numbers for the SOWW Warrior Bike Ride that took place back on September 10th, 2022.
- It took 150 volunteers to support the ride with 1,350 hrs of manpower for event day alone
- The Ole Virginia Hams fielded 26 operators as bike route spotters
- Warrior Ride Committee preparations began last December for this year’s ride (2022).
- 75% of our riders have some military affiliation either as active duty, Veteran or military family member.
- Several groups have been with us from the beginning including The Farm Brewery, Nam Knights, Great Falls Volunteer Fire Department and of course, the Ole Virginia Hams.
- Event riders on the road: 273
- Funds Raised for the Warrior Retreat: $83,300 This will fully fund 33 family stays at the Retreat!!
The proposed date for 2023 is Saturday, September 9th.
More good news! Our very own Ken, KE2N has recovered enough to begin driving again. Hopefully it will not be much longer before we see him again at our monthly meetings.
Some sad news however: OVH’s participation in 2022 Jamboree on the Air (JOTA) has been cancelled for this year. The OVH Executive Officers had difficulty reaching the Scout Council initially, and then our two organizations could not agree on scheduling and promotion. I am hopeful that we can reach an understanding for JOTA 2023. I think we can agree that both the Scouts and the OVH are better off with each other. With JOTA we get a chance to help influence these young scouts & bring to light radio technologies they might find as interesting & useful as we do.
Our next monthly meeting Tuesday, October 18th
W4OVH Monthly Meeting
7:30 PM – 9:00 PM EDT
Buckhall VFD Hall
7190 Yates Ford Road
Manassas, VA 20111
There will several important announcements at this meeting. Please plan on attending.
You don’t have to wait for the 18th to see everyone again. Our monthly breakfast is this Saturday, October 15th at 8:00 AM. Pioneered by Byron, AK4XR, we get together every Saturday before our meetings at a table or two in the back of Yorkshire Restaurant for some good food and good conversation.
Yorkshire Restaurant
7537 Centreville Rd.
Manassas, VA 20111
(703) 368-4905
Some things that are definitely going to happen:
Tri It Now “SEASON WRAP UP” & with a new race too. It will be held on Sunday, 10/23/22, 8:45 AM, at The Freedom Aquatic & Fitness Center, Manassas, VA 20110.
The Season Wrap Up will start with the run, then do the bike, and finally end up with a “snake swim” at the pool. We’ll do the swim last instead of first because late October can be mighty cold for racing with a wet head!!
Categories include: triathlon, duathlon, aquabike, aquathlon, tri-relay teams & a new race category – DU-Relays (2 or 3 person teams with each person completing 1 or 2 legs of the triathlon or duathlon) – ages 10 through adult. We need 7 or 8 volunteers as I write this. As always, to volunteer contact Andy, KJ4MTP via e-mail
The 76th Greater Manassas Christmas Parade on Saturday, December 3rd at 10 AM.
Planning is underway, but we will need volunteer spotters. If interested and available, please contact George, K4GVT via e-mail
Also the OVH Holiday Party is once again being organized by Theresa, KG4TVM and will happen Sunday, December 11th at Yorkshire Restaurant. We will again be working with the U.S. Marine Corps and their Toys for Tots program. I’m sure we’ll all be anxiously awaiting further details.
Also, a reminder to check in to the OVH’s Thursday night VHF/UHF repeater net at 8 PM.
The details for that are on the OVH’s web site:
This is a great way to stay in touch.
Questions, comments or war stories can be directed to my e-mail:
Ken, KN4DD