Starting the New Year with a birthday are John, KI4OWH; Justin, KJ4LAS; Elizabeth, KG4NXV; Joseph, KM4UYA; John, WA1STU; Ken, KE2N; Ken, KN4DD; Woody, N4MQ; John, KG4HZC; Fred, WD4ASP and Cat, KM4PBD. Hope you all were able to have a special celebration!
Winter Field Day is January 29th & 30th this year, John, KG4NXT and I will be at Cabin #5 at Shenandoah River State Park just south of Front Royal. If you can come out and visit with us, please let us know ahead of the event. We will have our youngest grandson with us and he is not vaccinated due to age, so we want to keep him safe. Also, we don’t want him spreading something to anyone that might not be vaccinated. Any questions, or if you need more info on this event please reach out to John at or Theresa at
Condolences to Wayne, N7QLK and family on the passing of his sister. Please keep the family in your thoughts.
Hamfest planning sessions are in progress. Please contact chairman Don, WA2SWX if you can help out with this event. You can reach Don at:
Reminder – If you upgrade your license or move, please remember to let the club secretary know so we can keep our records up-to-date – You can reach John at:
Stay safe, we have more snow coming! Below is the tree in our front yard after the last snow!
Theresa, kg4tvm