Happy birthday to the following club members: Doc W1IMX, Robert KK4MXU, Ray KM4EKR, Scott KB8NUM, Bob KC4TNC and Phil AC4PL
Wedding Bells were ringing at the beginning of September for Art W1CRO, congratulations and best wishes to the happy couple!
Congratulations to the Club for helping at the Prince William County Half Marathon on Sunday, September 29th. Wayne N7QLK chaired this event and pulled together over 20 club members to be out on the course. I was at mile 1 and 12, I did receive many thank you’s from participants for being on the course. The runners/walkers do appreciate us being there. Great job everybody!
Jamboree on the Air (JOTA) is coming up on Saturday, October 19th. We will be working with the scouts for this event. Rob W4FSK presented a program at the September meeting on this. We will be set up at Camp Snyder in Haymarket. If you are available, please stop by or call on the radio.
The Manassas Christmas Parade is Saturday, December 7th. Ray KM4ER has volunteered to pull our club trailer in the parade. Thanks Ray! If you would like to help decorate the trailer please let me know.
If you do not see your name listed in the birthdays for the appropriate month, please let me know so we can wish you a happy birthday!