Happy birthday to the following club members: Gus N4MLE, Al KB4BHB, Maury W4HYB, Ron N4RDZ, and Mark WA4KFZ.
Here we are at the end of summer! Hard to believe but I have been out of the loop for the past 2 months due to a very heavy work load at the paying job I have.
So I am behind in catching up with everyone.
Hoping that Jim KM4SXM is feeling much better after his adventures the last few months, I am hearing he is back to work. Best wishes on continued recovery.
Summer storms were not very nice to club members this summer. George K4GVT and Jay KM4JOJ both had lightning strikes at their homes and lost equipment.
Thank you Ken KE2N for your work on getting DStar up and running.
Hamfest & Field Day – we survived both events in 2019. Tremendous thanks to Don WA2SWX and Byron AK4XR for chairing these events and pulling us all together. Special thanks to those club members that helped in anyway. Both events were very successful!
Good to see OVH members at the Berryville Hamfest in August, looks like that club had a nice turnout for their event.
Last Mini-Tri of the year is this Sunday, September 15th, please contact Andy KJ4MTP if you can provide radio support for a few hours on Sunday morning.
Coming right up is the Prince William County Half Marathon on Sunday, September 29th, contact Wayne N7QLK if you can help with the race. Just to give you a little bit of info the race webpage does have the OVH listed as a Community Partner with a little write up on the club and a picture from the 1st marathon of Ron N4RDZ & Wayne N7QLK. The write up also has a link to our webpage, pretty neat!
Jamboree on the Air (JOTA) is coming up on October 19th. We will be working with the scouts for this event. Rob W4FSK will be presenting a program at the September meeting on this. We will be set up at Camp Snyder in Haymarket, if you are available, please stop by or call on the radio.
We are coming up on the last quarter of 2019 but there are still many events coming up, stayed turned to the monthly newsletter, the club website or check into the Thursday night net at 8 pm for updates.
If you do not see your name listed in the birthdays for the appropriate month, please let me know so we can wish you a happy birthday!