Happy birthday to the following club members: Harry KC9TXL, Harry KN4IJY, Brian KK4CBS, Gil KM4OZH, Paul N4PD, Joe KI4OHR, Steve KJ4YHA, Lillian KK4MXY, David KI4AZX, Paul W4ZB, and David KD4DEE
Condolences to Al KB4BHB, two of his sisters passed away on April 9th.
Please send Steve N4OGR an email or give him a call and say Hi as he recovers from his surgery.
We had a great time with the Virginia QSO Party in March, just a reminder please turn in your logs and put the OVH down as your club.
The deadline to submit your log is April 15th.
We saw many club members at the Vienna Hamfest while we were at our club table.
Hamfest meetings are well under way! Only 2 months to go, this is our club’s biggest event of the year. We need your help to make it a success, please volunteer to help the day of the event. Contact Don WA2SWX and let him know how you will be able to help the club. Do not forget we have a new day and location – Saturday, June 15th at the Manassas Park Community Center.
CW Net is every Wednesday at 7:00 pm; club breakfast is the Saturday morning before the club monthly meeting at Yorkshire Restaurant at 8 am. Two new great events!