Sunshine Corner



Happy Birthday wishes to these club members:  Ray, KM4EKR; Rob, KC4VDN; Phil, AC4PL; Chris, KN4IJF; Richard, no call; Bruce, WD4PAC; Eric, KO4MBI and David, KY4MM – Enjoy your day!

Happy to hear Wayne, N7QLK, made it thru both hurricanes in Florida. Hope that any club members or family members living in the areas that were hit made it thru OK.

Unfortunately, Page County cancelled their Tailgate on September 28th due to impending weather from Hurricane Helene. We haven’t heard of any additional dates but will let you know if we hear anything on this event being rescheduled.

Way to go Gil, KM4OZH, for your successful September VFH contest, 2nd in the Limited Rover class. Congrats to everyone else that participated. Please let us know how you did!

The Manassas Christmas Parade is Saturday, December 7th.  The OVH will be providing radio support for this event, if you can help please reach out to George, K4GVT at . He is organizing the volunteers. The OVH will also have the club trailer in the parade. We do have a need for someone that has a truck or SUV to pull the trailer thru the parade and we need help with decorating. If you can help with this, please let me know –

Well, I think the September meeting had a record number of attendees. We had a great program by Bob, KQ4PSE, about his adventures in the Hanoi Hilton during the war; he was a prisoner for over 8 years. Bob is a retired rear admiral who is now a member of our club. Welcome Bob and thank you for sharing your story with us.

Please send me your news, good, not so good and ham related info!

Thursday night net at 8 PM is a great way to keep up with current events and hear what everyone is up to with their radios!

My son took this Northern Lights photo on October 10th in Haymarket.


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