Theresa / KG4TVM, Butch / W4HJL and Bob / K4HJF served on the OVH’s Scholarship Award Committee this year and went through the many scholarship applications received. At the end, the Committee selected Marina Kun as the Awardee and she received a scholarship check of $1,000 at the May 15th OVH Meeting. She was accompanied to the meeting by her very proud father and Jitin Krishman, one of her teachers.
Marina Kun has an impressive background of accomplishment and achievements to date:
Patriot High School class rank 4 of 677 also attended the Governor’s School in Manassas, GPA 4.523, Accepted to University of Virginia, plans to enter the Computer Science Program to
become a software developer. Her high school activities; Math & National Honor Societies; Red Cross Volunteer; Participated in the VCU High School Programming Contest; Participant in the Prince William County Science Fair and awarded First Place for Biochemistry; participated in the Virginia State Engineering & Science Fair – constructed a pHarm-E robot that increases productivity & efficiency for agriculture and a Scrapper that reduces street pollution by collecting metallic waste; Community: Novant Healthy teen volunteer, research assistant, Thrift
Shop sales assistant, and “Operation Turkey” annual volunteer.
Marina plans to finance her college education by working part time jobs thru college; she also has her sights set on summer training program with Google while in college and looks forward to working alongside fellow coding lovers to learn, collaborate and teach.
Her application was supported by a strong Letter of Recommendation from Jitin Krishnan, Computer Science Teacher at the Governor’s School – Marina has gone above & beyond his expectations on tasks that have been assigned during the year. She has worked really well with others especially during the collaborative activities/labs. Marina participated in the VCU High School Programming Contest, her first coding competition. She has demonstrated excellence in everything she does at the Governor’s School, and she has a very pleasant and compassionate personality with endless curiosity to learn more.