Sunshine Corner

SUNSHINE CORNER – September 2023 Happy Birthday wishes to our club members celebrating this September – Gus, N4MLE; Scott, WB6EFW; Al, KB4BHB; Jim, WE4JJ; Kyle, No Call Sign; Maury, W4HYB; Luis, KQ4GBC; Ron, N4RDZ; Mark, WA4KFZ;  Lori, KC0EWN and Bill, AF4LL. Hope you all have wonderful birthdays with lots of candles!   Special Happy Birthday to Chick, KC1PIA whose 90th birthday was at the end of August. Special Happy Birthday to Al, KB4BHB who had his 90thbirthday September. This is really awesome. Glad you are smiling. I hope you got lots of gifts and fun stuff. Congratulations Corner:  Many thanks to the OVH volunteers who helped the Willing Warriors community with their 6th Annual Warrior Bike Ride back on September 9. Also, a big shout out for all the OVH … Read more >>

Sunshine Corner

SUNSHINE CORNER – August 2023 Happy Birthday wishes to our club members celebrating this August: Ken, KD4VA; John, KK4TCE; Karl, W4KRL; STU, W4PR; Ronnell, KK4ZNR; Chick, KC1PIA; Vern, K0LVS; Duane, KK4BZ and  Raymond, KK4AQR. Hope you all have wonderful birthdays with lots of candles! August OVH Meeting: If you want to know more about the OVH, please attend one of our meetings that are held on the third Tuesday of the month. Our next scheduled meeting will be Tuesday 08-15-2023 at 7:30 PM at the Buckhall Volunteer Fire Department, 7190 Yates Ford Road, Manassas, VA 20111. You are welcome to attend without obligation. From the parking lot, you will see a wing wall projecting from the building with signage that reads “Training Room”. The single door to the room where … Read more >>

Sunshine Corner

SUNSHINE CORNER – June 2023 Happy Birthday wishes to our club members celebrating this June month – David, KQ4BDS; Dana, KM4TTP; Ron, K3FR; Jan, KE4TMW; Jim, KM4SXM; Robert, W4PHX; Gene, N4NHFW; Wayne, AG4ZZ and Bob, K4HJF. Hope you all have wonderful birthdays with lots of candles! Congratulations Corner: Congrats and many kudos and thank yous to the OVH team for holding a great Tailgate at Signal Hill Park June 3rd, and all our great volunteers.  Thank you to Matt, KE7EX and David, KG4GIY for stepping in for the Talk-in, and hope Jim is getting better. Many thanks again for George providing great pictures. Here is link for the event: New Member Updates:  Luis, KQ4GBC and David, KD0ODS have applied to the OVH, and hope to see them soon … Read more >>

Sunshine Corner

Bruce KN4GDX presents on Quantum Computing

Happy birthday wishes to our club members celebrating this month – Tony, KM4KLB; Ed, KK4PHO; Jay, NQ4T; Dianne, KI4FVV; Bill, N4SV; Kelly, (no call); Alan, KY4DN; Byron, AK4XR; David, KK4ZUU and Marwood, KL7AW. Hope you all end the year with lots of candles! On Saturday, December 3rd, we attended the Manassas Christmas Parade. Club members were along the parade route providing radio communications to net control (Wayne, N7QLK). Special thanks to Ken, KN4DD for pulling our club trailer thru the parade as one of the units. It started as a very dark, grey, rainy day but by the time the parade kicked off, the weather moved on. There will be other mentions in the newsletter along with photos by George, K4GVT. This is an event to consider for next year … Read more >>

Sunshine Corner

Happy birthday wishes to our club members celebrating this month – Wayne, N7QLK; Kevin, W4RKU (formerly KX4KU); Baofang, KK4JFK; Theresa, KG4TVM; Butch, W4HJL; Greg, KM4CCG; Jeff, WB4TT; Charlie, WA4YGI; Joe, AB4QV; James, N5TE; James, KA4BOL; Paul, K4GZR and Allan (no call). Wishing you all a great day! If you have a birthday this month and are not listed, please let me know! Manassas Christmas Parade is Saturday, December 3rd. We are entered in the parade as a unit with the club trailer. If you are available to decorate the trailer, please let me know at or 703-257-3566. If you would like to work your radio during the parade, please contact George, K4GVT. He is coordinating communications throughout the parade route – OVH Holiday Party will be on Sunday, … Read more >>

Sunshine Corner

Happy birthday wishes to our club members celebrating this month – Chris, KN4IJF; Richard (no call); Robert, KK4MXU; Ray, KM4EKR and Phil, AC4PL. Happy wishes for a great year. If you have a birthday this month and are not listed, please let me know! Manassas Christmas Parade is Saturday, December 3rd. We will be entered in the parade as a unit with a club trailer. The OVH will also support the parade with radio communications throughout the parade route. We do need a club member to pull the trailer thru the parade with their truck. If you are available, please let me know at or 703-257-3566. We will also need help with decorating the trailer. If you would like to work your radio during the parade, please contact George, … Read more >>

Sunshine Corner

Happy birthday wishes to our club members celebrating this month – Gus, N4MLE; Scott, WB6EFW; Al, KB4BHB; Jim, WE4JJ; Maury, W4HYB; Ron, N4RDZ; Bill, AF4LL; Mark, WA4KFZ; Steve, WB0AOD; Kyle and Lori, KC0EWN. Happy wishes for a great year. Several of our club members have been participating in Parks on the Air (POTA). Jeff, K9VEG has just received a certificate for activating at Prince William Forest Park 20 times. (Certificate follows) Jeff is trying to get 1,000 QSO’s at the same park. Good luck Jeff! POTA – For anyone interested in more info, check out Parks on the Air | POTA You can also request information at the club meeting or on the email reflector. Please watch the reflector and club website for upcoming events, as there is always an … Read more >>

Sunshine Corner

Happy birthday wishes to our club members celebrating this month – Ken, KD4VA; John, KK4TCE; Karl, W4KRL; Matthew, KK4SYM; Stu, W4PR; Ronnell, KK4ZUR; Vern, K0LVS; Chick, KC1PIA; Duane, KK4BZ; Raymond, KK4AQR and Andy, KJ4MTP. Hope each of you has a wonderful day! John, KG4NXT and I did go to the Berryville Hamfest on August 7th, great turnout there. Saw quite a few OVH members! Best wishes to all our club members kids, grandkids, etc. that are going back to school this month. Good luck on a successful school year! In 2021, we found out that Charles Murphy, WA1FFX had passed away. Charlie was a long time member of the club and very active for many years. Sadly, his wife Claire passed away in July. I thought I would share her … Read more >>