Sunshine Corner

Happy birthday wishes to our club members celebrating this month – Gus, N4MLE; Scott, WB6EFW; Al, KB4BHB; Jim, WE4JJ; Maury, W4HYB; Ron, N4RDZ; Bill, AF4LL; Mark, WA4KFZ; Steve, WB0AOD; Kyle and Lori, KC0EWN. Happy wishes for a great year. Several of our club members have been participating in Parks on the Air (POTA). Jeff, K9VEG has just received a certificate for activating at Prince William Forest Park 20 times. (Certificate follows) Jeff is trying to get 1,000 QSO’s at the same park. Good luck Jeff! POTA – For anyone interested in more info, check out Parks on the Air | POTA You can also request information at the club meeting or on the email reflector. Please watch the reflector and club website for upcoming events, as there is always an … Read more >>

Sunshine Corner

Happy birthday wishes to our club members celebrating this month – Ken, KD4VA; John, KK4TCE; Karl, W4KRL; Matthew, KK4SYM; Stu, W4PR; Ronnell, KK4ZUR; Vern, K0LVS; Chick, KC1PIA; Duane, KK4BZ; Raymond, KK4AQR and Andy, KJ4MTP. Hope each of you has a wonderful day! John, KG4NXT and I did go to the Berryville Hamfest on August 7th, great turnout there. Saw quite a few OVH members! Best wishes to all our club members kids, grandkids, etc. that are going back to school this month. Good luck on a successful school year! In 2021, we found out that Charles Murphy, WA1FFX had passed away. Charlie was a long time member of the club and very active for many years. Sadly, his wife Claire passed away in July. I thought I would share her … Read more >>

Sunshine Corner

Happy birthday wishes to our club members celebrating this month – Jack, KN4HHQ; Ken, WB4ZOH; Philip, KI4WGC; Jeff, KM4FTK; Bruce, KN4TS; George, K4GVT; Sandy, KM4JUS; Rosalie (AKA Pinky), KN4ZLY; Dwight, N4GSD; Mary, KK4GOW; Jeff, K9VEG; Richard, KJ4ZIH; Luther, WA3FMO; Tony, KK4YZK; William, WB4KLC and Stephen, KO4GOR. WOW, that is a lot of candles. ENJOY! Congratulations to the club on a successful Field Day event. Special thanks to Byron, AK4XR and John, KG4NXT for pulling the event together. SUPER thanks to everyone that came out and operated! Article and photos are on our website at POTA – John, KG4NXT has been hunting stations and activating a few parks. He just hit 500 contacts as a hunter – Click to see certificate. Anyone interested in doing Parks on the Air, if … Read more >>

Sunshine Corner

Happy birthday wishes to our club members celebrating this month – Jan, KE4TMW; Jim, KM4SXM; Bob, W4PHX; Wayne, AG4ZZ; Gene, N4HFW; Bob, K4HJF; Robert, N0DGN; David, KQ4BDS and Ron, K3FR Hamfest 2022 is in the books! Thanks to our chair Don, WA2SWX for keeping us on track. Also thank you very much to all the club members and spouses that came out to volunteer at the event, we couldn’t have pulled it off without each of you. Please see the link to all the photos that George, K4GVT has posted! Next up Field Day at the end of this month. Contact Byron, AK4XR for information Condolences to Jeff, WB4TT on the passing of his mother on June 5th. Congratulations to one of our newer members on getting his ticket. … Read more >>

Sunshine Corner

Happy birthday wishes to our club members celebrating this month – Kenneth, KI4EOH; Lynn, KX4HR; John, KM4VCJ; David, KG4GIY; Bill, WA4FIC; Jack, N4YIC; Carl, KK4ZYX; Craig, WA3UFY; Roberto, KM4RIE; Dick, KM4UXE; Susan, K3SSP; Bruce, KN4GDX; Don, Wa2SWX; Robert, KJ4EOR and John, KG4NXT It’s crunch time! Hamfest is on Saturday, June 4th. Still time to volunteer to help on that day! In addition, tables are still available for inside sales. Please contact our Chairman, Don, WA2SWX if you can help with this event at Thank you to those that have already volunteered to help. Field Day 2022 planning meetings are under way; contact Byron, AK4XR for information at During the April meeting, Jay, NQ4T, was presented with an award for serving as the club president the last 2 years … Read more >>

Sunshine Corner

March Hamfest planning meeting, held at Sam & Joe’s Pizza & Subs Left to right Wayne N7QLK, Ken KN4DD, Ron K3FR, John KG4NXT, Gill KM4OZH, Lori KC0EWN, Don WA2SWX, Wayne W4HCR, Tony KM4KLB and not seen Theresa KG4TVM (taking photo).

Happy birthday wishes to our club members celebrating this month – Mark, KN4OGC; Shaun, KC9TXL; Harry, KN4IJY; Brian, KK4CBS; Gene, KN4JMB; Gil, KM4OZH; Paul, N4PD; Joe, KI4OHR; Lillian, KK4MXY; David, KI4AZX; Paul, W4ZB and David, KD4DEE. Thoughts and prayers to the family of Ruth, KU4WH.  Ruth was a very active member of our club and held the office of President for 2 years.  She had moved to Strasburg, VA and passed away at home.   No information is currently available on services. Continued best wishes to Ev, the xyl of George, K4GVT as she recovers from surgery. Hamfest planning sessions are in progress, please contact our Hamfest Chairman, Don, WA2SWX if you can help with this event. You can reach Don at .  Thank you to those who have already … Read more >>

Sunshine Corner

hamfest planning meeting

Happy birthday wishes to our club members celebrating this month – Michael, KO4BCN; David, KO4HIR; Matt, Wayne, N4HCR; Scott, KM4FTD; Gary, K4MRL and Jeff, N1SN. Our new club president Ken, KN4DD will be holding his first club meeting this month! Thanks to Ken for taking over the reins from Jay, NQ4T. Very grateful for Jay’s last 2 years as President and taking us thru the pandemic! Our officers for 2022 are President, Ken, KN4DD; Vice President, Tony, KM4KLB; Treasurer, Don, WA2SWX and Secretary, John, KG4NXT. Thanks to all for your leadership! Reminder – the Virginia QSO Party is on March 19th and 20th. The key is to include the OVH as your club on the log sheet. Anyone that attended our January club meeting was able to see all the … Read more >>

Sunshine Corner

Happy birthday wishes to our club members celebrating in February – Tyssen, W8ZM; Scott, KN4ZMC; Gerald, KN4DWT; Dick, WN7S; Harvey, WB6TTF; Jeff, WB6UIE; Art, W1CRO and Mike, KN4NDI. Winter Field Day has come and gone and it didn’t let us get thru the weekend without a weather event! It was definitely a winter weekend but it was also beautiful at Shenandoah River State Park. Thanks to those that came out to visit with us. I think we will try it again next year, same time, same place! Reminder – the Virginia QSO Party is on March 19th and 20th. Hope to hear many club members on the air for this event! The key is to include the OVH as your club on the log sheet. Any one that attended our … Read more >>