On a weekend already busy with Virginia QSO party and Winterfest, the OVH also presented “Amateur Radio in the Maker Spirit”. The Faire included such exhibits as telescope making, The Thomas Jefferson Group making a cubesat and high power rocket stabilization. see more at https://nova.makerfaire.com/makers-exhibitors-2018/ Headed by Don Meyerhoff, WA2SWX, the OVH exhibit included 1) an eco friendly crystal radio; 2) a SDR cw rig; 3) a 2 meter Fox transmitter built from a rasberry pi and emitting voice; 4) a uBitx 10 watt SSB transceiver with a case 3D printed by son-in-law Nick , KG7SOM; 5) Tuna tin cw transmitter; 6) ICOM 7610 with LED display running FT8. Our exhibit was well received and we had lots of visitors. We allowed hands on operation of the SDR radio, the Fox … Read more >>