New 224 OVH Repeater

New 224 Repeater

New 224 Repeater
New 224 Repeater

Our technical committee has installed a new repeater at NOVEC. This is a replacement of the oldest OVH repeater and will give us lots more connectivity for the 224.66 machine. It is now linking to the 146.97 repeater during the Thursday night net instead of the 442.200 repeater. Ken, KE2N, gave us a presentation at the February OVH meeting.
Click here for a more details on the new 224 repeater.

VP’s Corner

It seems our recruiting efforts have been paying off with several new members joining the club recently. When you see them at a meeting or club function, please take a minute to introduce yourself and welcome them to OVH. Club recognition has definitely helped our recruiting. So, as spring approaches with Hamfest and other activities, this would be a good time to order your club nametag and polo, if you don’t already have them. Nametags may be ordered from: I have club polos in stock which can be customized locally with your name and callsign.      Email me your size. This month in radio history … A February 1902 Scientific American article on building a simple wireless station[1]is credited with bringing the first amateur radio to the U.S.[2]     … Read more >>

OVH does Frostfest 2020

Theresa, KG4TVM, and Don, WA2SWX, at the OVH Frostfest Table

OVH had a table at Frostfest 2020. We handed out Manassas hamfest flyers and there were only 4 left at the end of Frostfest. Theresa, KG4NXT, and Don, WA2SWX, also gave each vendor a flyer. Theresa chatted up the vendors to try to get them to our hamfest. John, KG4NXT, sat on his butt and handed out flyers and answered questions at the OVH table. Other OVH members seen at Frostfest were Stu, W4PR, Ray, KMK4EKR, Sandy, KM4JUS, Ken, KD4VA , Kevin KX4KU and Mark, WA4KFZ.

VP’s Corner

As we enter the new year, I’m reminded of a quote my faculty adviser kept posted on his wall: “We are surrounded by insurmountable opportunity.” Opportunities abound at OVH. Here are some of them for the coming year. How about a position on the OVH leadership team? We’ll put together the slate at this month’s meeting with voting to follow in February. Or, come join your fellow club members in providing event communications for the Mini Triathlons held on the George Mason campus:         Enjoy the beauty of rural Virginia while  supporting a veteran’s charity bike ride.       Help support the club’s annual fund raiser, Manassas  Hamfest. Join us for the next Hamfest.  Planning Committee meeting on January 28th.             … Read more >>

Pinkie’s Corner

Hello everyone!  It’s that time of year again!  Time to enjoy all the holiday festivities, and also to reflect on all the events of the past year. The club had an outstanding Hamfest in June!  It was one of the best.  We had a new location and everything worked out great! The weather was good for the Christmas parade.  It was a bit cold and windy, but it wasn’t snowing! I got to “ham it up” and wave my little arms off!  A good time was had by all! Our holiday party was a smashing success thanks to Theresa’s hard work and phenomenal planning skills! She’s wonderful at pulling these events together! She created and awarded trophies and certificates to John, Jeff, Don, Wayne, Gil, Byron and Cat for their … Read more >>

OVH article in Prince William Living

The online magazine Prince William Living ran an article entitled  “Ole Virginia Hams: Supporting Our Community Through Amateur Radio” on November 30, 2019.   The article contained many favorable references to the Ole Virginia Hams and ARES.  Many of the quotes were provided by Jeff Fuller,  WB6UIE,  who worked with the magazine on the article.    The article can be found at  

OVH Member scores HIGH on June VHF Contest

Gil with 80 M mobile for VAQP

Our own Gil Thompson, KM4OZH, came in second as a Limited Rover in our Roanoke division.   The Roanoke division consists of the states of Virginia, West Virginia,  North Carolina and South Carolina.   In addition, Gil came in fifth in the Southeast Region which consists of Delta, Roanoke and Southeast Divisions of the ARRL.   You can find him listed as KM4OZH/R on page 80 of the December 2019 QST. A Limited Rover is limited to the lowest four bands  – 6M, 2M ,  220 and 440.   In addition,  a Limited Rover has the same power limits as the single operator low power category: 200 watts on 6M and 2M and 100 watts on 220 and 440. Gil also operated in the September VHF contest and expects to place high in that … Read more >>

VP’s Corner

The approaching holiday season and year’s end are traditionally a time for reflection and giving thanks for our many blessings. This Veterans Day, let’s take a moment to express thanks to our veterans – the young ones who are in harm’s way today defending our freedoms, and those who have gone before, sometimes giving all.   I know my fellow vets and I have had those occasional days when we felt like just a small cog in a big machine and wondered if we were making a difference. In honor of Veterans Day, here’s a story about a young service member who made a difference by using his ham radio skills as a springboard to help create one of America’s WWII war winning capabilities. Young Radioman Harry Kidder took an … Read more >>