W4OVH’s annual year end Christmas / Holiday party was held on Sunday, December 10th at the Yorkshire restaurant in Manassas. The turnout was wonderful, the donations to Toys For Tots was outstanding, and the fellowship amazing! The food – well just WOW on that. No one there went away hungry.
OVH wants to thank its members for their donations to Toys For Tots. Thanks to the United States Marine Corp for sending two of their best to attend, Sgt. Tucker Renckert and Lance Corporal Sydney Ally, and they did not leave our party hungry!
Pinky, OVH’s mascot attended the party too and she has some words of her own! (see separate post).
Also during the Year End party, Lifetime Achievement Awards were shown to everyone that go to Butch, W4HJL, and Art, W1CRO, both club members for decades and both still very active with the club (both are OVH Directors). Because neither was able to attend the party, we took the party to them (see separate post).
A plaque was also given to Terry, KC4DV, at the party for his past work as the Manassas Hamfest Chairman for five years in a row. Thanks Terry! (Don, WA2SWX is now the chairman of the hamfest).
Finally thanks to the Yorkshire Restaurant for again hosting our Year End Party and preparing the ham and turkey main courses.
Pictures of the Year End Party: