Virginia QSO Party presentation

Gil with 80 M mobile for VAQP


At our February meeting,  Jeff, WB6UIE, presented slides about the upcoming Virginia QSO party.   The slides were not so clear as projected so we are including them in this link  Presentation 
We host the QSO party awards at out hamfest.   More information on the QSO party can be found on the event calendar on this web site for March 16, 2019. Read more >>

Sunshine Corner

Warm birthday wishes to David W4HRR, Richard (no call), Gavin KK4MXT, Dick WN7S, Harvey WB6TTF, Jeff WB6UIE, Art W1CRO, Katie (no call), and Mike KN4NDI Best wishes to Butch W4HJL, Gene N4HFW and George K4GVT all did some time in the hospital in the last month.  Sounds like all three are doing well; hope you all have a full recovery. Congratulations to George K4GVT and family, his son in law Alex is now a Captain in the Army.   Alex and Tanya (George’s daughter) will be heading to Korea, so I see some “vacations” for George & Ev coming up!!! Had a great time at the Richmond Hamfest handing out flyers for our hamfest.  I received many positive comments for having our event on Saturday! Hamfest meetings are well under way, … Read more >>

VP’s Corner

It seems our recruiting efforts have been paying off with several new members joining the club recently. When you see them at a meeting or club function, please take a minute to introduce yourself and welcome them to OVH. Club recognition has definitely helped our recruiting. So, as spring approaches with Hamfest and other activities, this would be a good time to order your club nametag if you don’t already have one.       Nametags can be ordered from the above link. It will be some time before our next custom polo order. However, I do have some generic polos (club logo but no name or callsign) available for purchase. I’m expecting a customization quote from a local vendor in time for our next meeting. This year’s Virginia QSO Party, sponsored by the Sterling … Read more >>

OVH at Frostfest

Frostfest 2019

Very early on ground hog day, OVH members manned a table at Frostfest in Richmond. The purpose was to distribute hamfest flyers and spread the word of our new location at the Manassas Park Community Center and the new date of Saturday June 15. We had many takers on the flyers. Many people were happy we moved the hamfest to Saturday. In addition, Don, WA2SWX and Theresa, KG4TVM worked the vendors at hamfest. One was happy to learn that the hamfest paypal links on our website are now live and was going to purchase a table right after frostfest. The table was also manned by John , KG4NXT and Jeff, K9VE, distributed flyers on the floor. Stu, W4PR, loaned us a badly needed chair when we discovered that Frostfest tables … Read more >>

CW- Where everything old is new again

Begali signature iambic paddle

Morse code is a fascinating mode that uses the human brain to decode the signal. It has been in use for over 170 years. It takes a few weeks to learn and a lifetime to master. A good way to practice Morse code, of course,  is to get on the radio and actually send and receive code. This is where the CW net can help you. Once you have a basic understanding of the alphabet and numbers, you can check into a CW net and get some real world experience sending and receiving code. The Old Virginia Hams radio club  hosts the weekly OVH CW net on Wednesday nights at 7 PM on 3.550 Mhz. This net is open to all amateurs.  The net is QRS, meaning it’s a fairly … Read more >>

Presidents Letter

Presidents Letter: I hope everyone enjoyed the holidays and is recovered from all the festivities. We tend to overdo it so if you are like my family, you were probably looking forward to going back to work or school. It being a new year I want to remind you to send in your membership dues. It completely slipped my mind and I just recently sent them in. I also wanted to mention that elections are coming up next month and you need to be a paid member to vote or to run for office. Since I am also the Field Day chairman I wanted to mention that we will be holding our planning meetings starting next month. Check on the reflector for the upcoming meeting dates. We already have our … Read more >>

Sunshine Corner

HAPPY NEW YEAR! Happy birthday to John KI4OWH, Justin KJ4LAS, Elizabeth KG4NXV, Chuck W4XP, John WA1STU, Ken KE2N, Ed WD4AVU, Ken KN4HHO and Woody N4MQ, hope you all have a great year! Thank you again to everyone that contributed to the Toys For Tots at the party, I dropped off a whole carload of toys at the fire department on my way home from the party. Please keep Fred N3KVV (Paul W4ZB is his brother) in your thoughts, he is recovering from a very serious car accident in December. 2019 is looking to be even busier with many activities. Please stay tuned to a new CW net and Saturday morning meetings to discuss ham radio! Hamfest meetings are well under way, contact Don WA2SWX and let him know how you … Read more >>

VP’s Corner

Happy New Year

As we enter the new year, I’m reminded  of a quote my faculty adviser kept posted on his wall: “We are surrounded by insurmountable opportunity.” Opportunities abound at OVH for programs, projects, and people. Based on your inputs, here are some ideas for programs and projects. I’ve added a couple of threads (links) to tug on for each so you can explore them further online. (1) Amateur Radio Direction Finding (ARDF) (2) Automatic Position Reporting System (APRS) (3) Digital Modes (4) Morse Code Jeff, K9VEG, has established a weekly CW net for those interested in polishing their skills. See the OVH reflector for details. (5) 6 and 10 meter FM and Digital Anyone interested in exploring the acres of unused RF spectrum there for mobile,portable, … Read more >>