OVH goes to Elkton Hamfest

Morgan K4RHD,(yellow vest) Rousseau KC4RCR, Al KB4BHB, John KG4NXT

On Feb 18, OVH went to the Elkton Hamfest to distribute OVH Tailgate flyers. Al, KB4BHB; Theresa, KG4TVM and John, KG4NXT left Manassas at 5 AM to get to Elkton before the 7 AM opening. We found the hamfest to be quite friendly and accommodating. After asking nicely, they let us take our dog Annie to our inside hamfest table where she was a good dog. We also saw Rousseau, KC4RCR who checks into our Thursday night net from Berryville and Morgan, K4RHD. Morgan is a published author, NVTN net control and exhibitor at our hamfests and tailgates. Click the picture for more pictures.

OVH supports Turkey Trot

Duane KK4BZ and XYL were runners

Early in the morning of Thanksgiving Day, OVH did communications support for the Manassas Turkey Trot, which is a 5k race event. We provided communications. The OVH members helping where Wayne, N7QLK (lead); Ken, KN4DD; Theresa, KG4TVM and John, KG4NXT. The race went smoothly. We did notice a large number of participants whose philosophy was ” Walk, don’t run”. Nevertheless, we all got home in plenty of time for Thankgiving dinner.

OVH VE Session Nov 19, 2022

OVH VE examiners

On November 19, 2022, OVH sponsored a VE session at a Centreville Library. Byron, AK4XR had secured the space. The VEs assisting were John, KG4NXT; Al, KB4BHB; Ken, KN4DD; Luther, WA3FMO; James, KQ4CAX, and Mark, WA4KFZ. Theresa, KG4TVM assisted with registration and ID checking.  She also prepared a handout which included a club application and the steps to follow to check on the application and pay the new $35 FCC fee.  We had 7 applicants and all passed. We have 5 new technicians and 2 new Generals.

13 Colonies Certificates arrive for 2022

13 Colonies 2022 certificate

The certificates from The Annual 13 Colonies Special Event are arriving.   If you get all 13 colonies, it is called a “CLEAN SWEEP”.   There are also bonus stations for the Liberty Bell, a station in England and a station in France.  Known club members participating include Al, KB4BHB;  Wayne, N7QLK; Ken, KE2N; Byron, AK4XR; Jim, KM4SXM and John, KG4NXT. Click on the small image of the certificate to see it bigger.

OVH Field Day Best in 20 Years

Bill AF4LL on sideband

For our 2022 Field Day, we claimed 5,266 points. As a reference, we claimed 2,648 in 2012 and 2,526 in 2021. We had terrific operators including Bill, AF4LL; Wayne, AG4ZZ; Ron, K3FR; Byron, AK4XR; Don, WA2SWX; Jim, KM4SXM; Mark, WA4KFZ and John, KG4NXT. We also had a super under 18 YL operator – Sarah Peart. She made 19 FT8 contacts. Cat, KM4PBD and Byron, AK4XR held a fox hunt. Cat made an expert field repair of the Fox and hid it on one of the signs in the park baseball field. Gil, KM4OZH was the first to find the fox and won the fox hunt. We had a very unusual antenna mount. Byron brought his cherry picker and Gil made an antenna rotator for it. This was used for the … Read more >>

OVH Member Fixes Fortune 500 Company problem with Aluminum Foil

George K4GVT with spectrum Analyzer and aluminum foil hat

George, K4GVT has been an engineer for years and recently retired from Cisco. George found himself bored and took on some part time work from a Fortune 500 company that we can not name. This company manufactures chips. These chips start out as silicon wafers and then are processed into chips. The manufacturing process is quite delicate and the wafers are never touched by humans as they process down the assembly line – moved by a track system. George was told that track system was often stopping at one point in the plant. The unintended stopping point was near machines that generate plasma. George knew that the plasma was generated in a chamber using kilowatts of RF. The company has a RF sniffer and it was not registering a problem. … Read more >>