President’s Letter for January 2023

Happy New Year to All, I heard what I thought was a great story this week. It is the kind of story that you hope is true. It seems that back in the late 1800s or early 1900s there was a telegrapher’s job opening, and a man went down to the office to apply. When the man got there however, there were about seven applicants ahead of him. Unconcerned, he took his seat to wait his turn. It was a busy office with a lot of office noise, and this being the past, lots of heavy clicking and clacking from the telegraph equipment. After a few moments, this man got up from his seat, and strode purposefully into the back office whereupon the door closed. This, of course, upset the … Read more >>

President’s Letter for December 2022

Greetings to All, Well, here it is December. The year is winding down and the OVH event calendar is over for the year. Overall, 2022 has been a lot better than the last two years, and we continue to grow back into normalcy. We returned to Hamfest this year from last year’s Covid inspired Tailgate Party. We had excellent turn outs for Field Day this year as well as our Mini-Tri and Warrior Bike Ride events. Things will continue to improve in 2023 and I am counting on your continued support of club activities. Get ready to renew your membership. Your annual dues are $25 now, after a club vote at the October meeting. Please remember the new amount when you make your payment. See the mail in Flyer for … Read more >>

OVH Supports 76th Annual Greater Manassas Christmas Parade

Santa & Mrs. Claus holding court

What a difference a year makes.  On December 3rd, the Ole Virginia Hams supported the 76th Annual Greater Manassas Christmas Parade. While just cloudy last year, this year’s forecast called for poor weather. They got it part right. While the weather was gloomy during the preparation phase or setup phase of the parade, the weather did improve as the day went on. John, KG4NXT, Theresa, KG4TVM and yours truly met at the Manassas City Yard at 6:30 AM to collect & decorate the OVH trailer. It was about 50 ° at that time. Overnight and that morning we had about .3” of cold rain, which made lying on the ground to hook up the trailer and electrical just miserable. It was too wet to put a lot of decorations on … Read more >>

President’s Letter for November 2022

Greetings to All, I hope that everyone had a happy and safe Halloween. I was going to say something about leftover candy, as if there would actually be any candy left over. But, never mind. November 11th is Veterans Day. As you probably know, originally it was designated as Armistice Day in remembrance of World War I veterans. It has since evolved in the US to honor ALL veterans of our military services.  So, I’d like to take a moment to thank all of our members who have served, and also all who are currently defending, those who have served, and especially those who made the ultimate sacrifice. Thank You. Our Former VP Jeff, WB6UIE, always a fine writer, has written another enjoyable article for Veteran’s Day, on our website. … Read more >>

Why We Do It – 2022 Tri It Now “SEASON WRAP UP”

and John Heartney, KG4NXT On October 23rd, the Ole Virginia Hams wrapped up its support for the 24th Annual Tri It Now season with its eponymous Tri It Now “SEASON WRAP UP”. There are normally 6 events per season occurring either on a Saturday or Sunday. The OVH usually fields 5 to 8 volunteer spotters. That is, we are there to provide eyes, ears & communication support throughout the event. Normally, we spot riders with broken down bicycles and riders who haven’t trained enough, so they are suffering from sore limbs. I myself took one rider with ankle pains & his bike which had 2 flat tires (related perhaps?) in my truck back to the finish line. In short, usually nothing serious happens. What many of you do not see … Read more >>

President’s Letter for October 2022

It’s October and 2022 is winding down. I’m finding that for me, the cooler night air is “free air conditioning” but honestly, Mrs. KN4DD thinks I’m a bit out of my mind.   Heavy sigh. Last year, I was invited to be part of the 2022 Warrior Bike Ride Executive Planning Committee. At that time, I had no idea how much planning, work & (three county) coordination went into a one day event. It was both a privilege and a pleasure working with these very professional women & men and I learned quite a bit. Additionally, I have some new numbers for the SOWW Warrior Bike Ride that took place back on September 10th, 2022. It took 150 volunteers to support the ride with 1,350 hrs of manpower for event day … Read more >>

President’s Letter for September 2022

Well, it’s half past September. Cooler weather and less humidity is on the way. I’m a big fan of that. The sun will be going down sooner too. I’m not much of a fan of that, however. And, to borrow a phrase from “The Game of Thrones”, winter is coming. Summer activities are winding down too.  Off of the top of my head, we have 2 Tri-It-Now events, the Manassas Christmas parade and our annual OVH Christmas Party left on 2022’s To-Do List. While I am on the subject of activities, let us not forget that this is National Preparedness Month. I am a huge fan of being self contained. I probably got that from my old man. As a kid, 5 of us, a dog and a parrot (with … Read more >>

President’s Letter for August 2022

Location, location, location.   As a Florida boy, I know that Hurricane Season officially starts on June 1st. However, here in the Mid-Atlantic region, it unofficially begins in a few weeks. Now would be a good time to check your emergency communications equipment, supplies, including batteries. It would also be a good time to verify the integrity of both your antenna(s) and the guy wires. I’m reminded that 3 years ago George, K4GVT suffered a lightning strike around this time. It completely obliterated his antenna & damaged his radios & other electronics. So I think it would also be good to review your safe grounding & isolation setups. Back on July 24th, the OVH supported The Tri It Now – Summer Super Sprint at the Freedom Aquatic & Fitness Center in … Read more >>