Sunshine Corner

Happy birthday to the following club members:   Doc W1IMX, Robert KK4MXU, Ray KM4EKR, Scott KB8NUM, Bob KC4TNC and Phil AC4PL Wedding Bells were ringing at the beginning of September for Art W1CRO, congratulations and best wishes to the happy couple! Congratulations to the Club for helping at the Prince William County Half Marathon on Sunday, September 29th.  Wayne N7QLK chaired this event and pulled together over 20 club members to be out on the course.    I was at mile 1 and 12, I did receive many thank you’s from participants for being on the course.   The runners/walkers do appreciate us being there.    Great job everybody! Jamboree on the Air (JOTA) is coming up on Saturday, October 19th.   We will be working with the scouts for this event.  Rob W4FSK  presented … Read more >>

Sunshine Corner

Happy birthday to the following club members: Gus N4MLE, Al KB4BHB, Maury W4HYB, Ron N4RDZ, and Mark WA4KFZ. Here we are at the end of summer!   Hard to believe but I have been out of the loop for the past 2 months due to a very heavy work load at the paying job I have. So I am behind in catching up with everyone. Hoping that Jim KM4SXM is feeling much better after his adventures the last few months, I am hearing he is back to work.  Best wishes on continued recovery. Summer storms were not very nice to club members this summer.  George K4GVT and Jay KM4JOJ both had lightning strikes at their homes and lost equipment. Thank you Ken KE2N for your work on getting DStar up and … Read more >>

Sunshine Corner

Happy birthday to the following club members: Harry KC9TXL, Harry KN4IJY, Brian KK4CBS, Gil KM4OZH, Paul N4PD, Joe KI4OHR, Steve KJ4YHA, Lillian KK4MXY, David KI4AZX, Paul W4ZB, and David KD4DEE Condolences to Al KB4BHB, two of his sisters passed away on April 9th. Please send Steve N4OGR an email or give him a call and say Hi as he recovers from his surgery. We had a great time with the Virginia QSO Party in March, just a reminder please turn in your logs and put the OVH down as your club. The deadline to submit your log is April 15th. We saw many club members at the Vienna Hamfest while we were at our club table. Hamfest meetings are well under way!  Only 2 months to go, this is our … Read more >>

Sunshine Corner

Very happy birthday wishes to Fred N3KVV, Scott KM4FTD, Gary K4MRL and Jeff N1SN Congratulations and best wishes to Steve N4OGR and Jan KE4TMW as he recovers from his heart transplant.  Please keep them both in your thoughts as Steve continues to recover. Condolences to the families of Dave W4HRR and Jimmy WA2QEJ.  Both gentlemen passed away at the beginning of February. VIRGINIA QSO Party is Saturday March 16th and Sunday, March 17th.  Please remember to turn in your log for this event and list the OVH as your club.   Hope to hear you on the air! Vienna Hamfest is the last weekend in March; hope to see many OVH members there.   We will have a club table set up, please stop by and say Hello! Hamfest meetings are well under way, contact … Read more >>

Sunshine Corner

Warm birthday wishes to David W4HRR, Richard (no call), Gavin KK4MXT, Dick WN7S, Harvey WB6TTF, Jeff WB6UIE, Art W1CRO, Katie (no call), and Mike KN4NDI Best wishes to Butch W4HJL, Gene N4HFW and George K4GVT all did some time in the hospital in the last month.  Sounds like all three are doing well; hope you all have a full recovery. Congratulations to George K4GVT and family, his son in law Alex is now a Captain in the Army.   Alex and Tanya (George’s daughter) will be heading to Korea, so I see some “vacations” for George & Ev coming up!!! Had a great time at the Richmond Hamfest handing out flyers for our hamfest.  I received many positive comments for having our event on Saturday! Hamfest meetings are well under way, … Read more >>

Sunshine Corner

HAPPY NEW YEAR! Happy birthday to John KI4OWH, Justin KJ4LAS, Elizabeth KG4NXV, Chuck W4XP, John WA1STU, Ken KE2N, Ed WD4AVU, Ken KN4HHO and Woody N4MQ, hope you all have a great year! Thank you again to everyone that contributed to the Toys For Tots at the party, I dropped off a whole carload of toys at the fire department on my way home from the party. Please keep Fred N3KVV (Paul W4ZB is his brother) in your thoughts, he is recovering from a very serious car accident in December. 2019 is looking to be even busier with many activities. Please stay tuned to a new CW net and Saturday morning meetings to discuss ham radio! Hamfest meetings are well under way, contact Don WA2SWX and let him know how you … Read more >>

Sunshine Corner

Sunshine Corner

Wishing these club members a happy year-end birthday to David KK4ZUU, Tony KM4KLB, Ed KK4PHP, Jay KM4JOJ, Dianne KI4FVV, Bill N4SV, Kelly, Byron AK4XR, Charles WA1FFX, George N4XSL. Thank you to everyone that attended the club party and for their generous donations for Toys 4 Tots.  More on this in January! As we end 2018, I would like to wish everyone a happy Holiday and a peaceful year to come! 73, Theresa 703-257-3566

Sunshine Corner April

SUNSHINE CORNER Happy birthday wishes to the following club members:  Harry KC9TXL, Harry KN4IJY, Brian KK4CBS, Robert KJ4SZJ, Jeff KB4IWD, Gil KM4OZH, Paul N4PD, Joe KI4OHR, Steve KJ4YHA, Chris KU4FT, Lillian KK4MXY, David KI4AZX, Paul W4ZB, David KD4DEE. Special birthday wishes to Annemarie (George’s K4GVT mother in law), known to many of us as Oma.  She is celebrating 85 years young! I would say Happy Spring but every time I think it is spring, here comes the cold weather again! Since the March meeting cancelled due to weather, April will be the first meeting that Byron, AK4XR, will run as President of the club. Good to hear club members on the air for the Virginia QSO Party, please remember to turn in your logs and fill in OVH for your … Read more >>