Sunshine Corner May

SUNSHINE CORNER Happy birthday wishes this May to OVH club members: John / KM4VCJ, David / KG4GIY, Bill / WA4FIC, Jack / N4YIC, Carl / KK4ZYX, Craig / WA3UFY, Richard / KM4UXE, Susan / K3SSP, Terry / KC4DV, Don / WA2SWX, Robert / KJ4EOR and last but not least, John / KG4NXT. Hope you all have a wonderful day! Wayne / N7QLK was unable to make the March meeting, the first meeting with the OVH’s new president, Ray / KM4EKR, presiding – so we went to Wayne! John / KG4NXT, Al / KB4BHB and your Sunshine Corner correspondent took an appreciation Plaque to for his great work as OVH President to Wayne at his residence. See picture. Another Mini-Tri is coming up fast on Sunday, May 14th; please let Andy … Read more >>

Sunshine Corner April

SUNSHINE CORNER Happy birthday wishes in April to: Brian / KK4CBS, Robert / KJ4SZJ, Jeff / KB4IWD, Gil / KM4OZH, Paul / N4PD, Joe / KI4OHR, Lilly / KK4MXY, Paul / W4ZB, David / KD4DEE and Harry / KC9TXL. Wayne, N7QLK was unable to make it to the March meeting so we went to Wayne! John / KG4NXT, Al / KB4BHB and I took an appreciation plaque over to Wayne for his great work while he was President of the club. (Picture in the newsletter) You still have a day or two left to get your Virginia QSO logs submitted, please make sure you put the OVH as your club on the log! Please send me a picture when you get your certificate would really like to see where everyone … Read more >>

Sunshine Corner March

SUNSHINE CORNER Happy birthday – it could be a spring or winter day – Fred N3KVV, Russ WB4HHN, George NT4DX, Scott KM4FTD, Lisa, Gary K4MRL and Jeff N1SN, enjoy your day! So here we are into March, you have a great choice for ham related activities – Virginia QSO Party, Vienna Hamfest,  Hamfest planning meeting, monthly club meeting, Field Day planning meeting, Technician Class, Cert training and the Mini Tri.  I am sure I have missed something but you get the idea, so grab a radio! Congratulations to our club officers for 2017 – President Ray KM4EKR, Vice President Jeff WB6UIE, Treasurer Terry KC4DV and Secretary Byron AK4XR, thank you for your dedication! Reminder – Please do turn in your log for the Virginia QSO Party, the log has a … Read more >>

Sunshine Corner February

SUNSHINE CORNER Happy birthday to Roland WB4NWG, David W5DRR, Scott KK4GWU, Gavin KK4MXT, Dick WN7S, Stephen KK4UZC, Patty KI4FQF, Norman KK4HDL, Art W1CRO and Katie, best wishes for a warm, happy day! Good to see some of our club members at the Richmond Frostfest the first weekend in February, looked like there was a great turnout! Congratulations to Robert KK4MXU, he is the President of the Buckhall Fire Department. Congratulations to Bill KM4KWX and his family on the birth of his 2nd grandchild. Special thanks to our officers as their current term of office ends, Wayne N7QLK, Ray KM4EKR, Terry KC4DV and Byron AK4XR, great job! Hamfest & Field Day planning meetings are under way, jump in and help make it another great event! Happy Valentine’s Day! 73 Theresa KG4TVM

Sunshine Corner January

SUNSHINE CORNER Happy birthday wishes in January to Justin KJ4LAS, Elizabeth KG4NXV, Chuck W4XP, John WA1STU, Ken KE2N, Milt N4SN, Ed WD4AVU and Woody N4MQ, hope you all have a warm and exciting day! Thank you again to everyone who attended our Year End Holiday party at the Yorkshire Restaurant on December 11th, I think it was a great way to wrap up our busy year! Please keep Terry / WA5NTI in your thoughts and prayers as he recovers from the effects of his stroke. Check for details about Terry on the OVH’s email reflector. Special thanks to Mark / WA4KFZ for putting on and completing the Technician Licensing course in early December for 8 attendees, all of whom have by now successfully passed the Technician licensing exam. Thank you too to our now large … Read more >>