Sunshine Corner May
SUNSHINE CORNER Happy birthday wishes this May to OVH club members: John / KM4VCJ, David / KG4GIY, Bill / WA4FIC, Jack / N4YIC, Carl / KK4ZYX, Craig / WA3UFY, Richard / KM4UXE, Susan / K3SSP, Terry / KC4DV, Don / WA2SWX, Robert / KJ4EOR and last but not least, John / KG4NXT. Hope you all have a wonderful day! Wayne / N7QLK was unable to make the March meeting, the first meeting with the OVH’s new president, Ray / KM4EKR, presiding – so we went to Wayne! John / KG4NXT, Al / KB4BHB and your Sunshine Corner correspondent took an appreciation Plaque to for his great work as OVH President to Wayne at his residence. See picture. Another Mini-Tri is coming up fast on Sunday, May 14th; please let Andy … Read more >>