Byron (AK4XR) and Duane (KK4BZ) at Deep Cut turnaround

On Sunday, September 29,   the OVH will again be running communications for the 4th Annual Prince William Half Marathon.    Last year,  the race had 1400 runners and an additional 500 runners for an included 5K race.    The OVH had 18 members participating.     The event can be done either with a 2 meter handheld or with a mobile.   Loaners are available.   Please save the date and volunteer to Wayne Phillips , N7QLK at (571) 237-0520 or at w99phi@gmail.com.

JOTA – Jamboree on the air

Camp Synder JOTA tent 1

On Saturday Oct 20,  OVH members assisted with JOTA at Camp Snyder in Haymarket. On site members were Al, KB4BHB, Wayne, N7QLK, Megan Phillips (no call yet),  Don, WA2SWX,  Ron, N4RDZ (visiting from Seattle),  Theresa, KG4TVM, Bruce, KN4GDX and John , KG4NXT.  We also had club members contact our JOTA site and talk to our scouts on the air including David, KG4GIY, Charlie , W4YGI (using our repeater’s internet link from Lake Anna) ,  Ogre,  N4OGR, and Jan, KE4TMW. At our next regular meeting,  Rob, W4SFK , will present  a JOTA report in more detail. If   JOTA participant was missed, please contact  John , KG4NXT, and a correction will be made.

Pinkie’s Corner

Pinkie Pig here!  The last few weeks have been rather hectic.  The hams have been assisting at various events around the area, and then there was Hamfest! We had a light turn-out at the May meeting.  Don M. gave a great presentation on UBITX, which went right over my little pink head. So, don’t ask me any questions!  (I thought it was a new breed of dog, but what do I know?   I’m only a pig!)  Peaches did not attend, as usual.  It was raining, and I think she’s afraid of rain!  Perhaps it was for the best because I heard some talk about “bacon”! We also read in another club member for my fan club! Hamfest was upon us before I could pry Peaches off the couch.  The day … Read more >>

W4OVH and Friends at 2018 Warrior Bike Ride

Wow… it has been a very busy weekend over the 5-6 May Saturday and Sunday! First the outstanding Manassas Air Show and W4OVH attending to promote our Amateur Radio activities on Saturday, coordinated by Kevin Utzy and then the 2018 Inaugural Warrior Bike Ride on Sunday. The 2018 Warrior Bike Ride was hosted by the Serve Our Willing Warriors (SOWW) organization which does such outstanding work in providing a much-needed break for our recovering service members at military hospitals in the National Capital Region.  The average hospital stay is 300 days!  The exhausting, daily routine of surgeries, procedures, therapies, and doctor appointments takes a heavy toll on everyone involved. SOWW provides their Retreat, where our “Willing Warriors” can get away from the hospital environment with family, caretakers, and friends to relax, … Read more >>

OVH At The Manassas Airshow

Members of the Old Virginia Hams participated in the Manassas Airshow on May 5th, 2018 at the Manassas airport by setting up a booth to show off some of the many activities in amateur radio to the attendees. There is much cross over between air enthusiasts and amateur radio. The club saw this as an opportunity to introduce the hobby to those who may not fully understand the various aspects and opportunities in the hobby. This public outreach was also provided a chance to not only educate but to make the community aware of our club and what we do. The club displayed five different items: A homemade crystal radio using soda cans as capacitors, made by Al, KB4BHB SDR CW radio built by John, KG4NXT 2 meter Fox and … Read more >>

Pinkie’s Corner

Pinkie Pig here!  We had a delightful April meeting after missing the one in March due to the weather.  I just don’t feel like leaving the pig pen when it’s cold and rainy!  Attendance was fairly light, but we managed to have a good time. Lots of topics and info about upcoming events were discussed.  It sounds like hamfest planning is in full swing!  It won’t be long! Our speaker was Larry, from West Virginia.  His presentation was about illegal transmissions and deliberate interference.  He also talked about “fox hunts”!  I was worried it was going to turn into “pig hunts”!  And on top of all that, all that talk about “raspberry pie” made me hungry!  (Do you ever wonder how they come up with some of those names?) We … Read more >>

OVH Does Maker Faire

boy sending morse

On a weekend already busy with Virginia QSO party and Winterfest,   the OVH also presented “Amateur Radio in the Maker Spirit”.   The Faire included such exhibits as telescope making, The Thomas Jefferson Group making a cubesat and high power rocket stabilization.  see more at https://nova.makerfaire.com/makers-exhibitors-2018/ Headed by Don Meyerhoff, WA2SWX, the OVH exhibit included 1) an eco friendly crystal radio; 2) a SDR cw rig; 3) a 2 meter Fox transmitter built from a rasberry pi and emitting voice; 4) a uBitx 10 watt SSB transceiver with a case 3D printed by son-in-law Nick , KG7SOM; 5)  Tuna tin cw transmitter;  6) ICOM 7610 with LED display running FT8. Our exhibit was well received and we had lots of visitors.   We allowed hands on operation of the SDR  radio, the Fox … Read more >>

Pinkie’s Corner

Pinkie Pig here! The February meeting was super! We had a huge turnout and club officers were elected. Theresa handed out yummy Valentine treats! (She is so sweet and thoughtful!) The weather was great—-no snow and no rain. However, I did enjoy all those mud puddles last week! Perfect pig weather! Peaches decided not to attend the meeting. She wanted to stay home, watch “Charlotte’s Web”, and drink pink lemonade. I got home and caught her using my pink umbrellas in her lemonade! The nerve of her! I received a surprise from Andy—-a pink pig clock! It’s so cute! Thank you, thank you! I was honored! (Peaches is so jealous! That will teach her to steal my umbrellas!) I need to find a spot to hang it where Peaches can’t … Read more >>