Pinkie’s Corner

Pinkie Pig here!  It was a splendid beginning to the New Year with a great turnout at our January meeting!  I was tickled pink to see everyone!  A few days after the meeting, several members came down with a cold/flu —- myself included.  Trust me, I was more green than pink for a couple of days!  I hope everyone has recovered! Peaches thoroughly enjoyed the meeting.  She got her picture taken with several folks, and was very excited!  (I think she likes the attention!)  John wore his pig shirt, and Peaches loved it!  Now she wants one! Looking forward to seeing everyone in February!  Stay well and stay as warm as a pig in a blanket! Pinkie signing out —- until next time!  

OVH Supports Manassas Christmas Parade

Saturday, December 2nd was a grey, cold day in Manassas but the energy was electric. The 72nd annual Greater Manassas Christmas Parade kicked off at 10 am. OVH club members came out to provide radio communications along the parade route. Also the club trailer was entered in the parade as a participant. Terry KC4DV pulled the trailer thru the parade with his truck. BUT before he could do that, we had to decorate! The Saturday prior to the parade Terry, Ray, Sandy, John and myself went to the utility yard to hang the Christmas lights on the trailer. Then the morning of the parade Terry, Rosalie and I finish decorating in the staging area. Pinky road shotgun in the truck during the parade waving the entire time. Seeing all the … Read more >>

Pinkie’s Corner

Pinkie Pig here! Reporting in after a glorious day at the Christmas parade. I was just tickled pink at the turnout!! Congratulations and thanks to all of the team that made it happen! I heard that HGTV was going to offer Theresa and Terry a decorating job after seeing the fantastic job they did on the trailer! We all “pigged out” at the catered breakfast at the theatre. That was yummy! I had a “swine” time riding in the parade with Terry. Let me tell you, it’s no easy task getting up into a truck when you are a pig! They make it seem so effortless moving about when they run around and roll in the mud puddles! I loved looking at all the people, but I think they all … Read more >>

A Visit by the PIG

The OVH Pig graced us with her presence at the November OVH Meeting.   She will be part of the OVH float at the Dec 2, 2017 Manassas Christmas Parade.  To volunteer for the parade,  email or   The OVH Pig in real life is Rosalie Fuller who purchased the outfit at her personal expense.  Thanks Rosalie.

Jamboree On The Air – 2017

On Saturday, October 21st, 2017, several OVH members worked with local scouts during JOTA – Jamboree On The Air! The event was organized by John Heartney, KG4NXT, along with Ken Carpenter, KD6DBX, with Troop 581 of National Capital Area Council of the Boy Scouts of America. It was a perfect fall day, lots of sunshine at the Braemar Swim Club. Antennas went up, radios were tuned up and contacts were made between 9 am and 2 pm. John KG4NXT set up his ICOM 756Pro with a windom antenna. Don WA2SWX set up a DSTAR station. Wayne N7QLK and Kevin KX4KU worked with the scouts. Everyone did an outstanding job getting these scouts on the air. Gil KM4OZH was traveling but was able to have QSO’s on 2-meters with his home-made mobile … Read more >>

Annual 42nd Marine Corps Marathon

The Amateur Radio Emergency Service® (ARES) consists of licensed amateurs who have voluntarily registered their qualifications and equipment, with their local ARES leadership, for communications duty in the public service when disaster strikes.  For many of our W4OVH members, we register with the Prince William County ARES (PWCARES) organization and as all Ham radio Operators know, “When All Else Fails… Amateur Radio” is there! You need to be equipped with sustaining skills. What if when you get to a location, there is no food and the sleeping conditions are undesirable? Before you leave on your assignment, you need to make sure you have coping skills that enable you to be able to do your job operating under the conditions you are assigned to—from hardship conditions to making sure you’re able … Read more >>

Support to PWC ARES and Quantico Triathlon & 20K Run

Just a quick post to say thank you to all of the support participants from W4OVH that joined in with the Prince William County Amateur Radio Emergency Services (PWCARES) team to help support the Marine Corp Marathon (MCM) Organizations simultaneous Quantico Triathlon and Quantico 12K Run.  Although David Lane, KG4GIY was unable to be present for the event, he planned and developed the support effort and turned the final implementation over to Greg Gresham, KM4CCG and myself and we had the easy task of working with our outstanding support volunteer team to make it all happen. The Triathlon and 12K Run was a success with more than eleven hundred participants starting their respective events by either jumping into the Potomac for the 750 meter swim or starting off on a 12K … Read more >>

Additional Eclipse Operating Information

W4OVH, If you are interested in operating during the eclipse, there is a contest.   The rules are at  There are lots of bonus points available. The contest exchange is Call Sign, Signal Report, 6-Character Grid Square. If you do not know your 6-character gird square, you can look it up on QRZ by  looking up your call and then the details tab and finding ‘grid square.  You will have to log onto QRZ to get that info. If you live in the Manassas area,  my Grid square and that of Gil, KM4OZH, is FM18GR. and that should be close. There is a special logging option in N1MM logger for this contest.   They basically want cabrillo format.    If you keep a paper log,  I will help you get it into … Read more >>