Sunshine Corner February

SUNSHINE CORNER Happy birthday wishes to the following club members: Roland WB4NWG, David W5DRR, Richard (no call) Gavin KK4MXT, Dick WN7S, Harvey WB6TTF, Jeff WB6UIE, Stephen KK4UZC, Patty KI4FQF, Norman KK4HDL, Art W1CRO and Katie Apologies to John KI4OWH for missing his birthday in January, hope you had a great day! February is election time for the OVH, a very appreciate thank you to Ray KM4EKR, Jeff WB6UIE, Byron AK4XR and Terry KC4DV for serving as the club officers this past year. Butch W4HJL is home, very happy to hear this! We hope he is done with the hospital visits. Please do call or email him. Joe KI4OHR is continuing to recover from his fall, glad he did not have to have surgery! Get well wishes to Ken KE2N from … Read more >>

Sunshine Corner January

SUNSHINE CORNER Welcome to 2018! Starting the year off with a birthday are the following club members:  Justin KJ4LAS, Elizabeth KG4NXV, Chuck W4XP, John WA1STU, Ken KE2N, Ed WD4AVU and Woody N4MQ.  Best wishes to you all for a great year ahead! Many thanks to those that attended our Holiday Party in December and showed up with donations for the Toys for Tots campaign, your support for the kids is amazing. Sad end to the year with two of our club members passing away. Milt N4SN passed on December 20th  and Tom KB1FLK passed away on December 21st.  We will miss them both, please keep their families in your thoughts.  A card from the club and flowers were sent to both services. ARES training is on Saturday, January 20, 2018 at … Read more >>

Sunshine Corner December

SUNSHINE CORNER Happy end of the year birthday wishes to David KK4ZUU, Tony KM4KLB, David KJ4EPF, Ed KK4PHP, Jay KM4JOJ, Dianne KI4FVV, Bill N4SV, Kelly, Byron AK4XR, Thomas KB1FLK. Great news Butch W4HJL is home! He is still recuperating but things are looking so much better. Condolences to Wayne N7QLK and his family on the passing of Wayne’s father. The annual Holiday Party was held on Sunday, December 10th at the Yorkshire Restaurant. Turnout was wonderful, the donations to Toys For Tots was outstanding, fellowship amazing! The food well just WOW on that. Thank you very much for your donations and for attending, having the club members come out is what makes this event so great. Special thanks to Yorkshire Restaurant for allowing us to come in and have our party, … Read more >>

Sunshine Corner November

SUNSHINE CORNER Happy birthday wishes to Wayne N7QLK, Kevin KX4KU, Baofang KK4JFK, Theresa KG4TVm, Butch W4HJL, Greg KM4CCG, Jeff WB4TT, Gene KD4RHC, Charlie WA4YGI and Joe AB4QV Happy Veteran’s Day to all our service members, thank you very much for your service. Please continue to send positive thoughts to Butch W4HJL as he continues his recovery, he is back in the hospital in Fairfax this time as of the date of this being written. Condolences to Luther WA3FMO and his family on the sudden passing of his mother-in-law in October. Condolences to Butch W4HJL and his extended family on the passing of his mother-in-law at the end of October. HOLIDAY PARTY – Sunday, December 10th at the Yorkshire Restaurant, starts at 6 pm. Please bring a potluck dish to share. … Read more >>

Sunshine Corner October

SUNSHINE CORNER Happy birthday wishes to Terry WA5NTI, Doc W1IMX, Robert KK4MXU, Simon KB3QOA, Ray KM4EKR, Scott KB8NUM, Ruth KU4WH, Keith KM4AA and Phil AC4PL. Sending sunshine and continued best wishes to Butch W4HJL, George K4GVT and Jeff WB4TT, all three are recovering from hospital stays. Freedom Center Mini-Tri on Sunday, October 22nd, please contact Andy KJ4MTP if you can help, this is a fun event and it’s run very efficiently Congratulations to the club for providing radio communications for The Prince William Half-Marathon that was held on October 1st,. Thanks to those that answered the call to help. Special thanks to Wayne N7QLK for chairing this event and making sure the course was covered. Even though the year is starting to wind down there are still many activities going … Read more >>

Sunshine Corner September

SUNSHINE CORNER Happy birthday wishes to Gus N4MLE, Al KB4BHB, Maury W4HYB, Ron N4RDZ, Gary WG4ARC, Mark WA4KFZ, Steve WB0AOD, and Jim W4HJH. Hope you all had a great day! Continued best wishes to Butch W4HJL who is now home recovering from his surgery Best wishes to Art W1CRO who landed in the hospital for a few days but is also back home Please keep Wayne N7QLK & family in your thoughts, his father isn’t doing well Had a great time at the Quantico triathlon on August 26th, the course was on the base, we had a good show of club members providing communications. Thank you to the organizers and club members Congratulations to Terry KC4DV on a successful special event in South Carolina during the eclipse Freedom Center Mini-Tri … Read more >>

Sunshine Corner August

SUNSHINE CORNER Happy August birthday wishes to Kristen / NoCall, John / KK4TCE, Karl / W4KRL, Matthew / KK4SYM, Stu / W4PR, Serge / KK4ZUT, Ronnell / KK4ZUR, Vern / K0LVS, Duane / KK4BZ and Ray / KK4AQR. John KG4NXT and I attended the Berryville Hamfest and saw several OVH members there. Great hamfest weather and it looked like a nice turnout; the tailgate area was completely full. Did anybody win a door prize? Special thanks to the following for their help with getting the trailer scrubbed – John / KG4NXT, Ray / KM4EKR, Sandy / KM4JUS, Dick / WN7S and Terry / KC4DV, great job! Here is our very own Steve N4OGR and his bride Jan KE4TMW. They participated in a square dance performance at the Prince William County Fair … Read more >>

Sunshine Corner July

SUNSHINE CORNER Happy middle of the summer Birthday wishes for: Steve / KB4OF, Ken / WB4ZOH, Philip / KI4WGC, Jeff / KB4TT, George / K4GVT, Michael / KC4ZNQ, Sandy / KM4JUS, Dwight / N4GSD, Bob / KI4IST, Mary / KK4GOW, James / AA4KG, Jeff / K9VEG, Richard / KJ4ZIH, Luther / WA3FMO and Tony / KK4YZK. Congratulations to the whole OVH club for a great participation during June – which is always the busiest “ham” month of the year for the club! Hamfest, meetings, Mini-Tri, Field Day, these events would not have been so successful if so many club members did not actively participate; during June, you all came out in great numbers. Thanks to everyone including the Chairperson for each event! Special thanks to Phil / AC4PL for feeding everybody at during Field Day, … Read more >>