Sunshine Corner

Happy Birthday wishes to Doc, W1IMX; Robert, KK4MXU; Ray, KM4EKR; Phi,l AC4PL; Chris, KN4IJF and Richard. Congratulations to our VE Team led by John, KG4NXT and his band of examiners at the beginning of October. They had a very nice turnout for testing and picked up some new hams and upgraded the licenses of others! Jamboree on the Air (JOTA) is coming up on Saturday, October 16th at Camp Snyder in Haymarket. We will start operating at 9 AM. If you are on the radio and hear a CQ, please help us out with the scouts by answering! Please send lots of thoughts and prayers to Bill, KM4KWX, as he is battling some serious medical issues right now. The Manassas Christmas Parade will be on Saturday, December 4th. This was … Read more >>

Sunshine Corner

Sunset in Washington State

Happy Birthday wishes to Ken, KD4VA; John, KK4TCE; Karl, W4KRl; Matthew, KK4SYM; Stu, W4PR; Ronnell, KK4ZUR; Vern, K0LVS; Chick, KC1PIA; Duane, KK4BZ; Ray, KK4AQR and Andy, KJ4MTP. John, KG4NXT and I had a pleasant time at the Berryville Hamfest and did see several club members. Even with the little rain showers, it looked like a good turnout. Happy retirement wishes to Wayne, AG4ZZ and Jeff, K9VEG. Enjoy! Congratulations to Al, KB4BHB. His grandson, Joseph, just upgraded his ham license to General. Call sign is KO4REQ. I know Al is very proud!!! There is also a new ham in the Meyerhoff family. More information to follow! Congratulations to Jay, NQ4T on his Worked All States! Jamboree on the Air will be coming up on October 16th; we will very likely be … Read more >>

Sunshine Corner

Happy Birthday wishes to Stephen, KO4GQR; Bill, WB4KLC;  Jack, KN4HHQ; Ken, WB4ZOH; Philip, KI4WGC; Jeff, KM4FTK; Bruce, KN4TS; George, K4GVT; Sandy, KM4JUS; Rosalie, KN4ZLY; Dwight, N4GSD; Mary, KK4GOW; James, AA4KG;  Jeff, K9VEG; Richard, KJ4ZIH; Luther, WA4FMO and Tony, KK4YZK – This is quite the list, I hope everyone was able to enjoy their day! I’m currently on vacation but just wanted to say happy birthday to our club members. Also wanted to say congratulations to the club and all the members for having a very successful and busy month of June. It was great seeing everyone out and about. John, KG4NXT and I are planning on going to the Berryville Hamfest, the first Sunday in August; hope to see some club members there! Please remember the Thursday night net at … Read more >>

Sunshine Corner

SUNSHINE CORNER – JUNE, 2021 Happy Birthday wishes to Jan, KE4TMW; Jim, KM4SXM; Bob, W4PHX; Derrick, KV4SH; Wayne, AG4ZZ; Gene, N4HFW and Bob, K4HJF. Happy Father’s Day to all our club members, hope you get to enjoy the day! Last month I posted congratulations to Wayne on his daughter’s college graduation. Turns out both daughter’s had graduations in the same weekend. So double congrats to the Phillip’s family! Thank you again to everyone that contributed to the Steve, N4OGR Memorial Scholarship. The committee led by Sandy, KM4JUS was able to award two scholarships this year! OUTSTANDING! The OVH Tailgate Event is Saturday, June 12th from 8 AM to 2 PM. To all the members who have volunteered to help, thank you very much! We will have a club table and … Read more >>

Sunshine Corner

Happy Birthday wishes to John, KM4VCJ; David, KG4GIY; Bill, WA4FIC; Jack, N4YIC; Carl, KK4ZYX; Craig, WA3UFY; Roberto, KM4RIE; Dick, KM4UXE; Susan, K3SSP; Terry, KC4DV; Bruce, KN4GDX; Don, WA2SWX; Robert, KJ4EOR, and John, KG4NXT Happy Mother’s Day to all our moms – club members and family members. Our VE Session on May 8th went well; we have a new General and 5 new Techs. Congratulations to everyone. Thank you to the VEs who attended to get the tests graded. Pictures are on our website – Condolences to Jay, NQ4T, whose grandfather passed away last week. Congratulations to Wayne, N7QLK on his daughter’s college graduation! Congratulation to Duane, KK4BZ. He will be taking care of Father of the Bride duties in June. Best wishes to the bride & groom. Congratulations to … Read more >>

Sunshine Corner

Happy Spring or Winter (depending on the day) Birthday wishes to Harry, KC9TXL; Harry, KN4IJY; Brian, KK4CBS; Gene, KN4JMB; Gil, KM4OZH; Paul, N4PD; Joe, KI4OHR; Steve, KJ4YHA; Chris, KU4FT; Lillian, KK4MXY; David, KI4AZX; Paul, W4ZB and David, KD4DEE. KG4NXT and I had a great time during the Virginia QSO party! Saturday morning we hit the road early and drove up to Skyline Drive, where we made our first contact. The day was beautiful and the park was in great shape! We left thru the gate in Front Royal and headed to Winchester, then pointed the car towards Manassas. On Sunday afternoon, we went out again to Loudoun County and hit Manassas & Manassas Park. Overall, a great weekend. We operated for the first time as Multiple Operators Mobile, a lot … Read more >>

Sunshine Corner

Here is a photo of Gordon during our presentation:

Happy Birthday wishes to Fred, N3KVV; Wayne, N4HCR; Scott, KM4FTD; Gary, K4MRL; Jeff, N1SN; Michael, KO4BCN; Matt and David KO4HIR. Welcome home to Chick, KC1PIA. He has been in Florida with family for the last 2 months and is back in Manassas. I think he is ready for some ham radio! Thank you to everyone that has donated to Steve’s N4OGR memorial scholarship. Enough donations have come in that the club will be choosing a winner in 2021 and 2022. Awesome!!! Thank you to Gordon, NQ4K for his presentation at the February meeting. Gordon filled us in on the Virginia QSO Party that is March 20th & 21st. I noticed during the presentation that there is a youth award so I asked Gordon if the youth needed to have a … Read more >>


THURSDAY NIGHT NET CONTROLS Every Thursday night at 8 p.m. The Ole Virginia Hams holds their weekly net. This happens on the club repeater at 146.970. Due to the hard work of the technical committee and technology, you can also hear the net at 443.50, 443.500, 53.490, 224.400, and 448.225, DMR at 448.325, TG315148, Echolink 522458 and The net has been active for over 2 decades; the current net chairman is John, KG4NXT. John has been recruiting other club members as net controls and putting together rotating schedules since 2005. Each Thursday the net starts and a script is read by that night’s net control. A recorded ARRL Audio News is transmitted; this covers a wide variety of ham news. Anyone listening is given a chance to call in … Read more >>